Bernie Sanders announces 2020 presidential campaign

So the solution you see is coming here and repeating history? Get a grip…

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It won’t instantly fix any injustices of any kind.

Then why did you link it.

So you don’t think Sanders thinks socialism will solve racism all on its own?

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Talking about it instead of ignoring it is repeating it? that’s not a logical sequence of events lol. I’m stating the obvious for those that want the liberal wishlist i.e. first woman, first hispanic. How about actual policy instead of being the first at something?

I don’t know what he thinks about socialism. He’s a democratic socialist.

So how will democratic socialism solve racism?


I’m saying that,
“You’ll get your pie when everyone else gets pie, I don’t care how long you’ve been waiting.”
is not a political message that inspires the most confidence, either in a hard-nosed political pragmatic sense, or in the sense of achieving social justice in our lifetimes.

It will be great for him if he can convince people he’s not deprioritizing women and POC, people. He won’t convince people if he goes around telling people to deprioritize issues specific to women and POC.


Don’t pretend you know what I or anyone else wants. You don’t. Personally I’m not voting for or against anyone’s strawman.


Case in point:

There is no ‘magical’ solution; no perfect candidate.


Racism in America has been tried to be solved since LBJ. It’s not a problem that’s going to be fixed overnight. However, leveling the playing field economically would go a long way to equating said advantages in society. Let’s remember red lining and other discriminatory policies that were once the norm in our country. Ignoring the wealth gap in America will only expand inequalities that already exist in the US.

I will look and see if I can find an answer of his to answer your question by using the same internet and search tools you also have available to yourself.

Great advice!

I’m not asking you to google for me, I am asking what you believe Sanders thinks, what his point of view is. The same point of view that you think minorities are incorrect about when it comes to promoting their own welfare.

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Racism is not something that exists independent of the wealth gap or class warfare in America. The two are forever bound together in the existing policies we have. If some one isn’t willing to deal with the problem of Racism they aren’t capable of dealing with the form these issues take for what often amounts to a majority of the people affected by them. No one is asking for a magic wand, just some rolled up sleeves and the willingness to actually do something other than make promises that when “we get ours we’ll give you some.”


I’m not pretending. Plenty of people were split with whether to support Sanders or Clinton during the primary mainly because of her being the ‘first woman president’, ‘first female president’. Obviously there was plenty of favortism in the Democratic Party for the superdelegates, as well as the actual delegates that were pointedly aimed at supporting Clinton. I’m not making any wild assumptions to say that those people are probably still in the Democratic Party.

It’s so very strange to see people painting the idea that we need to have equality of justice for all as being tantamount to putting justice for group X on the “back burner”.

Is it really? All lives matter…


You’re literally just paraphrasing my response that you responded to.

Ok. This is the last time I’m replying to you for real. But again… we are not in 2016. The “but you just want a woman/POC” argument has died. Bury it… the corpse stinks.


I certainly don’t think working for equality in our justice system and social programs is putting anyone’s problems on the back burner. Why? Do you?