Bernie Sanders announces 2020 presidential campaign

Schultz has stated flat-out that he will not run as a Democrat or Republican and is positioning himself as an independent Republican-alternative for people who dislike Trump but think Democrats are too radical. His only stated policy thus far are tax revisions to protect billionaires.

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I’m not a particular fan of his, but no, he won’t. Sanders didn’t do it in 2016, he won’t do it in 2020, despite what some of his more reality-challenged fans (or hopeful right-wingers) might think.

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Do try to not speak on behalf of other people as if they have no agency; it’s incredibly insulting.

Black folks and other POC are not monolithic; we’re individuals who have many varied points of view.


He said that in an interview but, also said he has an “Exploratory committee”. I have no doubt in my mind if he reaches the same conclusion as other billionaires (“It’s impossible to win as an independent in America” Michael Bloomberg, he will try to buy a nomination from the DNC and rig the nomination process. Then again (I’m more of a skeptic than the normal person).

Which must imply that people don’t trust Sanders to address racism or any of the other problems faced by marginalized groups directly which in turn suggests the preferred route to resolving such problems directly is via the presidency instead of the courts where all such progress has historically been made.
Hmmm. OK. That’s certainly a way to look at it. I suppose if you aren’t interested in a president who works to bring justice and equality to the nation as a whole rather than focus on any particular group, then Bernie may not be your candidate. I think that may be a bit short sighted but there you go.

You’re more than a skeptic if you imagine the DNC would “sell the nomination” to Schultz; you’re frankly buying into nonsense conspiracy theories.


The point you are missing is that ‘equal access and protection under the law’ is actually a terribly ambiguous statement. It ranges between people with a genuine commitment to justice, and on the other side those who declare that “they don’t see race”, that black people get preferential treatment, that in a truly equal and fair society the whites would naturally rule everything. That’s how countering Black Lives Matter with All Lives Matter is a dogwhistle, because it caters to the substantial proportion of americans who think that right now, Black Lives matter too much.

This is why people want a specific acknowledgement of the issues with racism, especially as Sanders is trying to court voters who supported and continue to support extremely racist policies.


I’m not sure you exactly have your finger on the pulse of politics, to put it mildly. Billionaires are sort of toxic in the Democratic party right now, and if you think the DNC in 2020 will allow someone to “buy” the nomination who has trashed the DNC and insulted its candidates while embracing Republican policies… yeah, you’re a “skeptic”.

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I also know two things:

  1. Trump would open every debate and rally with “I beat Clinton, Clinton beat him.” transitive property argument schoolyard taunt that there is no cool counter to. Is it fair? No. Could it ever get out of people’s heads? Also no.

  2. The last four times the Democrats took the White House, it was with a candidate that Black people were way more than lukewarm about. Not just a plurality of voters in a demographic, but enthusiasm from non-boosters.

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Listing possibile things people might think is not in any way speaking on behalf of anyone.

Okay, again, can we stop rehashing 2016? It’s off topic.

I could not give a crap if the DNC “wanted Clinton”. Of course they did. I would, if I were the DNC. She’d been a lifelong Democrat and DNC supporter with an absolutely stellar resumé, whereas Bernie’d been an independent, joining the party at the last minute. Enough conspiracy theories. They are not helpful.


Hey, I’m sorry my ideas are unpopular with some people here. I’ll go back to just posting silly oneliner jokes like making fun of grammar mistakes in the bb post headlines again soon. I promise


In the meantime,

Sanders’ ratings are mixed among whites, with nearly half viewing him favorably and half unfavorably. But, consistent with their more Democratic political orientation, nearly two in three nonwhites (64%) have a positive view of Sanders.

I’m sorry, but this kind of stuff only reminds me that Bernie couldn’t do it in the ring. I’m not talking about whether he was the better candidate or had the better policies or is the better person.

Only that people trying to help him with this will only remind people that he lost to the loser.

He’s not running against Clinton.

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the only way structural racism - and outright racism - is going to get knocked down is to attack it head on.

“class issues” is alllivesmatter.

one of the worst thing about the current president is the way he’s sucked the fight away from the real issues which need to be talked about and fought over


No it means exactly what I said, that I view the unwillingness to admit the problem and make an effort to address it in the current Democratic candidates as a major red flag for the 2020 elections. But by all means make stupid arguments and attribute them to me, just next time don’t @ me with them.


Agree wholeheartedly.


Be careful with your statements, and be sure to clarify what you actually mean.

More than once in this thread you’ve made comments which seem to group us all as one singular entity.

I can tell you emphatically that I personally don’t want anyone to deign to speak on my behalf, or to try to assert their ideas as accurately representing my concerns and aspirations… but particularly I don’t appreciate it when people who have privilege do it.


What I don’t like is the idea that Sanders in particular has an issue with racial justice. He’s been involved in racial justice issues since the 1960s. If I’m looking for a candidate who is really going to stand up against racism, my bet is on the one who has been arrested while chained to other protesters at anti-racist protests. If you want to look at a candidate’s past to see whether they are really against racism or if they are just pretending for the cameras, he’s really been there in the fight since he was a young adult.

During his race against Clinton there was a big narrative in the media about his problem with black voters. His problem, though, was that polls suggested black voters preferred Clinton to him, there was never anything in polling to say that black voters distrusted him or thought he was bad. There was definitely polling to suggest that many voters regardless of demographics didn’t know enough about him to make a decision. The polling suggests that many hispanic and black democrats were going to primaries choosing between what they felt were two good options. There’s no other way to interpret approval ratings for two candidates that sum to more than 160%.

Promoting workers rights and saying, “we’ll deal with racism later” is awful. I really don’t think Sanders said that, I feel like it was just foisted onto them by a media that wanted to create an exciting narrative and didn’t understand statistics.