Bernie Sanders announces 2020 presidential campaign


There really isn’t. The closest to it I can recall is a pretty poorly written BB article IIRC that says WoC were more likely to support Sanders than any other group, forgetting that

  1. WoC support all democrats more often than other demographics
  2. WoC are a small demographic subset
  3. ‘Bernie bros’ are used to denote people who supported Sanders and not other democrats.

EDIT: Yes, that’s the exact article.


Someone thinks they’re being edgy.

Someone thinks someone thinks that.


Then I guess I’m not one. I voted for Hillary.


Not grudgingly as the lesser evil?

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OF COURSE grudgingly as the lesser evil!


Then you miss my point. Basically looking for people who ‘approve’ of Bernie would include the majority of people who preferred Hillary and voted for her in the primary, but would have voted for Sanders if he had instead won. Everyone who isn’t a ‘No Bernie At All Costs’ is a Bernie bro?

That’s obviously not what people mean.

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Seriously, a poll of 1212 people has disproved every African American leader and election statistics. It might be helpful to expand the reading list to e.g.


Cliche, I realize, but I would enjoy watching your goalpost to the tune of Yakkety Sax.

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You know, I didn’t even like Hillary but this bullshit right here is the real reason this campaign makes me cringe a little.


Dude. You are basically failing elementary logic here.

  1. Do you literally deny that being a Bernie bro requires at least some preference for him over someone else, not merely some positive feelings?
  2. Do you appreciate that ‘demographic X are most likely to have a positive feeling towards Y’ does not in fact imply ‘most of the people who like Y belong to X’?

Elementary logic? Your Complex link circularly cites nonexistent Bernie Bros a the reason some blacks objected to voting for people by the content of their character.


Bernie packed stadiums. The other person who packed em in won the election. HRC couldn’t fill the folding chairs in her little tent.
Talk of advanced age and dementia don’t line up with his mental and physical state. Both are excellent and I would say much better than most people.
I think the anti-Bernie left operate in much the same manner as the pro-Trump right. People chose their candidate, made absolute statements about their candidate and the opposition and now find themselves stuck in a narrative of their own choosing which is reinforced by their self selected echo chamber.
In the end, only the superdelegates gave HRC the nomination. Bernie had the majority of the votes in most states.

Took about 5 seconds to find this


So no, you do not realise you are making a complete fool of yourself.

100% of Bernie Sanders like Bernie Sanders. Therefore Bernie Bros are mostly Bernie Sanders himself. QED.

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You got me.

Edit for the person who just liked this comment:

That was a joke. She didn’t get me.

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He had great support from black voters in polls. His support wasn’t as high as the support for Clinton. People forget that it’s possible to go to a poll liking both candidates and choosing the one you like more. His problem with black voters was much more with them not knowing about him than it was with them not liking him or his policies.

The person you are arguing with has literally denied that Bernie Bros exist. It doesn’t really make sense to be asking them about the criteria for being one.


Would you rather have him run as an independent?

This does seem to be a Schrödinger cat situation, where the Democrats feel they can win without trying to win Bernie supporters votes while simultaneously blaming them for losing the last presidential election. It has to be one or the other, it cannot be both.


I rather he endorses a candidate, or at least talks to some of them. He can have a platform and push it without running himself.

I think Democrats should win by trying to win Bernie supporters, but this means Sanders should establish leadership by establishing the positive aspects of what they want in a candidate - other than Sanders as president. It’s not about not having to accept parts of Sanders platform, it’s about detoxifying Sanders from the lingering resentment of 2016 by packaging it up in fresh candidates.

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If I were to ask someone running for public office, “why do you want the job?” The answer I want to hear is, “I don’t want it” followed up with why they think they are a good public servant.

Also: Do you know where your towel is?