Bernie Sanders announces 2020 presidential campaign

Right. That’s why when Hilary was confronted by BLM, she sat down with them and wound up bringing one of their strongest voices into his leadership team.

ETA: s/


Hillary isn’t running. Who cares about her now? No one who cares about the future of this Country.


That’s not true, Trump has not only stacked the courts with insanely right-wing judges many of whom basically paid for the seat he still has left tons of positions vacant and put leads of government agencies in place to grind the whole place to a halt. The problem is Trump completely knee-capping OSHA isn’t something that we will see the effects of yet, and we are already seeing the effect of the Supreme Court land-grab.


wait really? who would that strong African American leader be. Not Shaun King by any chance who has zero standing with African Americans? Who generally consider him a conman.

Oh these repetitive little debates…

If people are still primarily defining Bernie Sanders politically as “the most not Hillary Clinton”, well, I hate to break it to you, but Trump made a strong case that he really wasn’t like Clinton. He could still run on “Lock her up” as he addresses an empty chair he calls Hillary.

It doesn’t matter how good his other policies are:
If he runs on, “I was robbed last time” it won’t be good.
If he runs on, “My ticket number is next” it won’t be good.
If he runs on, “We’ll deal with racism after the important stuff” it won’t be good.

In all of this, it doesn’t matter if he has great intentions, it’s what he’s able to sell politically.

He’s not running against Clinton in either the primary or the election, but his campaign means talking about her constantly. Instead of running only against the dumpsterfire in office.


Yes, but that’s not outside what literally any other mainstream GOP person today would do. They almost all want right wing originalists, they all want vast deregulation. That is not the same thing that @Brainspore was suggesting, which was complete paralysis.

I’m not saying it’s good or what I want or positive in any way, but it’s not complete paralysis, I’d argue.


Because even while he is incompetent or stupid or golfing, Trump’s agenda moves smoothly forward.

Um. She won the popular vote by a nice margin. And absolutely packed houses. Let’s not get into foolish 2016 revisionism. It’s pointless and off topic.


Whoever emerges from the heap, the most important thing, after winning, will be getting a good transition team ready to go. Trump fired his transition team the day after he was elected, and his executive team has been fumbling around ever since. I think they’ll be a write-off for briefing an incoming team (and I wouldn’t trust them without double-checking).

I hope copies of those White House 101 courses that the Obama team prepared are being kept in a safe place.


Obama’s team is smart enough to have kept backups and magnanimous enough to offer them again. The question is how useful they will still be given all the damage 45 has done during his squat in office.


One theme that emerged from several of the books written about his campaign and administration was that he never seriously planned for a transition from the get-go. I think there was a line from Bob Woodward’s book in which Bannon said something along the lines of “he doesn’t think he’ll lose, but he’s not planning to win.” It was all just a big performance for him.


What he actually says is the best way to work for justice for women or people of color or anyone else is to work for justice.


I wasn’t replying to @Brainspore’s argument for a reason. I’m pretty sure long-term disability isn’t a big issue because the executive branch could step up and Bernie would probably have a capable VP.

I’m just saying that if the federal government is paralyzed (as in the core of the government is in stasis, people are getting paychecks, etc.) we won’t know something is catastrophically wrong until there is a catastrophic event to respond to. If anything, the best proof we have about the failure of a weak executive branch is Puerto Rico where Trump actively tried to kill(ed) people to send a message to brown people.


Except that women and people of colour have been telling him otherwise for decades and he and his followers ain’t listening.


And I’d argue that’s a longer term problem with deregulation starting with Reagan.


I would say that’s true for Katrina, but Maria’s response compared to Katrina’s is not just a little worse.


More accurately, “it’s true for both, but…”


Some have. That doesn’t make them correct.

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Yes, it’s a long term and ongoing problem since the 80s, is kind of my point. This is what deregulation and searching for private industry solutions has gotten us. Is it worse under Trump, yeah, but it’s a culmination of deregulation since Reagan that helped carry that along. If the Maria response was worse, it’s not just down on Trump’s inability to lead a government (though that doesn’t help), it’s down to neoliberal ideology of disaster capitalism that looks at human suffering and sees dollar signs.


Explain what you think Sanders means by this.