Biden drops out of the race for President

True, but it would be disruptive at a time when distractions play into Lord Dampnut’s hands. I can hear his singsong bleatings already:
“Look at those disorganized Democrats! No wonder our country is a shambles!”


As this goes on, what i am hearing is energized young people, folks who were going to sit out over Gaza now backing Harris, excitement instead of dread. Might work out for the best. This is not going to come down to competence or positions, it will come to voter turn out. Excitement and focus is very, very good. Now, just don’t fuck up the nominating process. Sounds like everybody is pretty much falling in line. I feel better now than when the news broke.


Stephen Colbert Good Luck GIF


rfk junior is excited.



Pretty certain this is not happening (in contrast to him ending his campaign, which had looked pretty clear for a while), so it’s moot, but I agree with the others that this would be a terrible idea.

First two reasons have been said: 1) Republican shenanigans in not confirming a VP could actually be a disaster now that they’ve weaponized the office of VP in the role of overseeing the election results. That used to be a ceremonial position, now it is not. They could use the lack of a position to fully screw with things. 2) Now Harris can campaign full time and Biden can president full time.

The third reason is that I think the optics are terrible. It’s one thing to decide that you’re too old to campaign again and be a president for another four years. That’s a question of looking to the future. But to say that you’re not capable now? That’s suggesting to people (however incorrectly) that you were being reckless by even being in the presidency up until now. It looks weak, instead of his current move, which can be presented as a heroic choice of country over personal ego.


Holy crap, that’s savage.

I think Joe knew he was doing this. The “I’ll drop out if medical stuff” and then it gets leaked he has COVID. Was probably a planned communication later but they had to scramble after the random diplomat spilled the beans.

Kamala had a fiery speech just two days ago that would be a campaign driving speech if she wasn’t, at the time, listed as VP.

And Joe has been doing politics a long dang time. Dropping this now, after the RNC, absolutely is the best. They spent a week doing a hatefest against him and he’s just ignoring it. Donnie’s out of the news while EVERYONE talks about this. And people are excited about seeing the new blood in there. I’ve got multiple Mexican relatives that are crazy pumped about having women leaders of both countries (although they don’t like the Mexican one much, but still happy it’s a woman). When I mentioned she’s also mixed, they were even more excited. And these are people who don’t even want to talk politics normally.


Imagine the bleating when Kamala Harris as VP confirms the result that Kamala Harris has been elected as President! That will be a joy to watch (and trigger a million lawsuits)


It worked in Georgia!


The quintessential polar opposite of MAGA and their orange conman.

There has never been a more obvious billboard-size picture for all U.S.ians to consider.

I can only hope that the good folks in full possession of their humanity, their courage, and their sanity, show up in overwhelming numbers at the polls, come November.


Pop Tv What GIF by Schitt's Creek


Well…it looks like all of the states’ party chairs are on board with Harris. I’m seeing reporting that they think she will have this locked up by Wednesday. I hope that’s true. If it is, I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden had made the support of Harris a condition of his stepping aside.

ETA: I’m saying this because I’m pleasantly surprised at how quickly the majority of the party seems to be falling in line behind Harris. It just makes me think it was part of a deal.


This is all I’ve been hearing from liberal friends all over.

Honestly, the difference attitudes towards this upcoming – and now existing – change between my friends/family and this forum have been so huge, it has really confused me. I genuinely think that this is exciting people across the country. I’ve even seen a lot more excitement in both the millennial and genZ forums on Reddit about this.

Sure, I wish the Biden could have looked as strong as his presidency has genuinely been, and I wish that if he had dropped out it would have been months ago so that we could have had a real democratic process, but with the hand we’re dealt right now, I’m really seeing most liberal democrats that I know taking this as an exciting thing.


TBH I suspect that Biden might have pulled the plug earlier, but they decided to wait a few days for the whimperfest about the shooting to die down.


AFAIK nothing legally requires a nominee to accept the nomination even if they receive a majority of the votes at the convention. So to forestall the argument that “Harris can’t replace Biden”, the DNC could have an almost ceremonial first vote for Biden after which he graciously declines the nomination and strongly recommends that at the second vote all his supporters vote for Harris. Any delegates that were legally required to vote for Biden because he won their state did so (on the first vote) and so, having satisfied their legal responsibility, could vote for someone else once he took himself out of contention.


With the prefix that I am not American so the whole process seems a bit strange to me, but do the GOP even have grounds to challenge this? Isn’t it just an internal Democratic Party process at this point?


Yes. I didn’t say what Johnson was saying had merit. That won’t stop him from trying to challenge it, though. Hopefully, the courts would dismiss such a challenge, but with the current Supreme Court, I take nothing for granted.


Even if the merit of Johnson’s case is exceedingly thin, his doing so is a smokescreen that they will use politically as a counterpoint to Trump’s flagrant lawbreaking. His hope is that for some confused people in the middle, his dishonestly painting Harris’s campaign/nomination as illegal will mean that both candidates are equivalently criminal, and give Trump a pass on his rapes, bribe taking, thefts of state secrets and attempts to overthrow democracy.