Biden drops out of the race for President

Choosing the “right” veep may help… but who???


They don’t care. They think as long as they win this one, any subsequent election would be formality. We will come back to the dark age of king and queen.

Again, you’re talking about “leopard eating face” party. They will realize it too late. They deserve what coming for them if that’s the case but I will not accept an untold number of suffering and death happen before these fascists face their karma. We saw history and it can absolutely happen here. Vote them out. I don’t care if you’re in blue/red/purple state, vote them out. They need to be proven by undeniable number that’s they’re a loud, xenophobic, racist, fascist minority. Your vote matter even when they’re not able to win local races. Even if we lose, the populate votes will show the fascist party keep bringing the illegitimate candidates to the table. Candidate that majority against.


Here, Jason. Here’s a pic of Joe Biden, since you didn’t seem to have one—which I’m assuming was the reason for posting a picture of the felonious pussy grabber for this story:

ol joe biden


There are two reasons I think this would be an error.

First is the very real problem of Harris’ VP, which the GOP in Congress will block at all costs. Leaving Johnson (or even T****, if congressional Republicans get really cheeky) as 2nd in line of presidential succession.

Second, I think we need Biden in place as a lame duck president so that he can act as a “neutral party” to counteract all the ratfuckery Republicans will throw at Harris’s candidacy should she win. They are already showing a preview of how they plan to challenge it, and it’s better if Harris isn’t president to fight off anti-democratic challenges in the courts and Congress.


It can’t be anyone from a congressional seat in a contested state. We have to be tactical about that. I understand that there’s an easy workaround for the California thing (thanks to @danimagoo !), but I still wouldn’t risk it as a possible SCOTUS challenge.

I would really, really like it to be someone more progressive than Harris, as a big FU! to the media and wealthy donors who forced Biden out. And for the same reason I would rule out any of the centrists they floated as a bypass-Harris candidate.

Buttigieg has been one of the more visible Cabinet members over the last couple of years, but also unfortunately risks more closet bigot votes in combination with Harris.

Tammy Duckworth?


Uh… sure but those words I wrote go with the idea that I agree that Biden should step down from his current term as president using covid as an excuse, and that I believe there are good faith reasons a republican could argue as much without upsetting Trump so I am not reflexively troubled by their agreement?

So do you disagree that Biden should step down? Agree that Biden should step down?

What does that have to do with voting? We don’t vote when a President dies in office so I assume it would be Harris that would become the President at that point for the rest of this year. I think he should do it so that we have Harris ahead of the election already functioning in the role. But of course I could be wrong about that. I just don’t think the fact that the GOP wants it is definitely a sign that it is what is good for Trump.

Even if Biden stays though it will be helpful then to keep the GOP tied up in trying to get him ousted and/or wasting resources on fighting Biden. Trump can’t pivot for shit anyway. He’s still talking about Obama.


I hope if it’s Harris that she and Tromp do debate.

Felon versus Prosecutor!!

^^^ This ^^^
A thousand times this.
This should be the Democrat’s rallying cry for the next (…august …september …october …november) FOUR months.

But it should go:

Prosecutor versus Felon!


Well…Duckworth was born in Thailand to an American father and a Thai mother, so…if you’re looking for someone who the right isn’t going to float some Constitutional challenge to, she’s probably not it. She’s clearly a natural born citizen, but that won’t stop people claiming she isn’t. Hell, some of them are already claiming Kamala Harris isn’t eligible because her parents weren’t citizens when she was born. That’s not how it works, of course, but again, that won’t stop them from trying to make it a thing.

Here’s the bottom line. It doesn’t matter who the Dems toss up at this point. The GOP is going to try to challenge the legality of it on some basis. Johnson was just on tv a day or two ago saying it was illegal for the Dems to replace Biden with Harris on the ticket if Biden drops out. That’s ridiculous, but they’re going to challenge it. So my point is we can’t worry about that. They’re going to challenge it on some basis no matter who is nominated and ends up on the ticket, especially if we win. So we just need to not worry about that, make the best, most qualified choice, and run with it.


All that, plus, we can have some confidence that President Biden will get yet more good things settled and underway in the months to come. …and hell, maybe even utilize some of that “official immunity” that the stupid subset of the supremes have granted him [wink]


It’s presumptive immunity, and the Supreme Court gets to decide whether it applies.


And if it gets to the Supremes before the election…? The ratfucking majority there would have no qualms about concluding whatever needs concluding to cause chaos for the Dems (and the country).

(Would/could any challenge be serious enough to get that far?)

And Biden should absolutely not indulge in any ‘immune’ actions that will be seen as ‘dirty tricks’ by the GQP, who would indulge, of course, if the tables were turned, but it would be likely to backfire on the Dems, electorally, if Biden indulged.


Ah, TIL. Thanks.

Not for the core Constitutional duties, which they wrote themselves out of even doing judicial review.


Who decides what is a core Constiutional duty?


…The Constitution. :person_shrugging: Anything in Article II.


Crossposted from the election thread…


He’s afraid to debate Harris.


President, even lame duck, is a bigger job than vice president. Running for president is a huge job. They each have their work cut out for them. Given the attacks on succession that Trump has launched, it’s not a time to switch horses. A president who decides not to run for re-election has never been expected to resign early. Caving to the whim of the fascists is a terrible precedent.


Liberals who had held back on criticism of Trump’s age within hours of Biden dropping out:


Plus Harris is the only other person Democratic voters implicitly supported for the job in the 2024 primaries so she’s the least-nondemocratic choice after Biden himself.