Biden elected president


no brunch then :confused:

1 Like

Tired: mimosas

Wired: Rolling Rock!


Except he said that after pardoning Nixon. I hope there will be no quarter for Trump.

While I may disagree with Ford’s decision, I can understand why he made it. In the end, Nixon’s crimes and paranoia really only hurt himself and his legacy. (All for nothing given how he ended up winning re-election in a landslide.)

Trump’s selfish quest to enrich himself at all costs have hurt the entire world and we will be suffering as a result of what he did for decades to come.

I want some motherfucking justice.

(ETA And there’s the “what about the precedent this would set?” argument, we’re far past far past that point. The entire Trump presidency has wasted untold millions of dollars trying to get something, anything to stick on Obama, Clinton, and Biden. Republicans love to say, “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to be afraid of.” Ok, cool. Let’s see how it goes.)


Over at


I ran over my monthly article limit, but the headlines alone make me smile by reminding how many of these people “the best people” will be taking less of the nation’s attention.


I laughed way too hard at this.


Use incognito mode or clear your cookies or something. These articles are absolutely savage must reads.


Thanks for the reminder. I forgot that trick. I just read the first one on Ivanka and OMG that is brutal.

I may read the others over the next month like Electoral College Vote Advent Calendar.


Wait, I didn’t say I would actually recco it.

IMO, it started off very well… and then slowly went to complete shit after the 5th season.

Should you decide to watch it, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP AT SEASON 5.

If you DO decide not to heed my sage advice, don’t say I didn’t warn you; I wish someone had warned me, but at least I got out early in the last season…

Thank fuck for the intervention of Breaking Bad, which immediately hooked me, and took all my attention and interest away from the final season of Dexter.


I see you’re a bit more optimistic about their chances than I am.

Hopefully I’ll still be on my lunch break in time to hear my partner sit down in the living room. If so, I’m gonna push this to the big screen over AirPlay and wait for the ZOMGs.


Apparently, that it so.

The Electoral Count Act (“ECA”) includes a “safe harbor” provision that treats as “conclusive” a state’s chosen slate of electors if two criteria are satisfied: (1) the electors must be chosen under laws enacted prior to Election Day,and (2) the selection process, including final resolution of any disputes, must be completed at least six days prior to the meetings of the electors. 3 U.S.C. § 5. This year, the ECA “safe harbor” deadline is December 8, 2020.

So if, say, Georgia’s legislature tried to override the popular vote, it would be illegal under Federal law, and outside the Safe Harbor. Congress would be free to reject it. Meanwhile, if the popular vote electors completed their submission, Congress would be forced to accept it.

(And none of this is written in stone, of course.)


I haven’t seen many supporters of the orange hell beast on the news today but it’s been fascinating to watch the unstoppable force of their cognitive dissonance coming up against the immovable object of reality. This is what almost 4 years of gas-lighting will do to you and i do feel sorry for those of you who have friends and family members lost to this madness.


the only ( theoretical ) opening is this:

the selection process, including final resolution of any disputes, must be completed at least six days prior to the meetings of the electors.

team trump would have to successfully keep the vote certification from happening, then the legislature would have to agree to a slate of republican electors – and they would have to do this in enough states to make a difference, and some states have their own restrictions about how that process works.

basically, though, it seems as if the electoral vote is so much in biden’s favor it can’t happen. same with if there are a few faithless electors.


i don’t know how much it says, but here’s the purple states map which tries to show the percentage win in each state. ( i kind of wish they’d choose a completely different color scheme. or stripes or something )


Unfortunately, pardoning Nixon was one more data point showing the rich & powerful they could get away with almost anything. Nixon should have been punished. It would have been a good example.


Same goes for Bush and Cheney.


Exactly. And so many others.