Originally published at: Bill O'Reilly caught on video threatening a JetBlue worker because his plane was late | Boing Boing
Do you know who I am??!??!?1
"You’re not the only person on this flight sir, let me ask your fellow passengers. . . . "
(raises voice)
“Everyone on Flight 1452 to Turks & Caicos who thinks our crew should abandon their mechanical repairs and safety checks so you can board immediately, raise your hands.”
Even looks a little like WW now…
Fuck it! We’ll do it live!
Lowered mask too, of course. Fucking toxin-spreading asswipe.
Do you know who I think I still am??!??!? Then tell me because I forget.
For a guy worth $85 million slumming it on Jet Blue, this little temper tantrum exposes how ugly his true character really is.
Everyone who works at or has ever worked at Fox is hired because they’re some of the worst people on Earth. It’s got to be part of the interview process – they ask for character references just to make sure you’re a complete sleazebag.
“I’m sorry, sir, you’ll have to wait in the queue for that too.”
They should cancel his return flight and ban him as a customer for abusing the agent.
He’s an expert on that subject.
I think he’s one of demons that Kenneth Copeland warned us about.
What? Bill O’Reilly is a dick!?! Say it ain’t so! I thought he was lookin’ out for us!!! /s
I sincerely forgot he was still alive, and now I’m sorry to hear he is.
Boot him and tell him - “start swimming home, asshole.”
“Too toxic for Fox News” is a pretty darn impressive level of fire-ability.
It’s probably not a great idea to be a jerk to the guy who has the power to mark your boarding pass with the secret TSA code for “Give this one a full cavity search.” Just saying.