Bloomberg quits race, endorses Biden

It’s not winner take all, but Warren is not positioned as a kingmaker. She has about as much say as Bloomberg.

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That’s assuming the current holders of those things were willing to sell.

That’s always been my biggest hangup with Sanders. God bless him for the great ideas, but he’s never been known as a legislator who can forge coalitions or horse trade to actually pass the legislation he wants to pass. That’s kind of a big deal!


They are distinguishable, but its on social issues rather than economic. This has also resulted in an increase in class reductionist socialists who are ready to throw everyone under the bus in the hope of getting what they want. Everyone except for white heterosexual cis men, of course.


Nah, it’s because the money that the Republicans were paying Bloomberg to try and split the Democrats ran out, and he ain’t gonna work for free. This is just another case of Trump cheating and screwing the people he does business with.

Especially since he’s the only democratic candidate who is unwilling to consider eliminating the filibuster. The Democrats aren’t likely to win a supermajority in the senate any time soon, and passing a bold agenda through the legislature is already tricky when you’ve only got to convince the 51st most-liberal senator to vote for it, let alone the 60th most liberal.

Edit to add: It’s worth noting that the president would have no direct role in getting the filibuster eliminated. That’s up to the senate. You know, the place where Bernie is now.


[citation needed]

Like, seriously, there are plenty of legitimate, fact-based grounds on which to criticize both Bloomberg and Trump, because the one is an out-of-touch plutocrat and the other is a cancer on the republic, but straight-up making shit up doesn’t help anybody.


Boomberg is the ninth richest person on the planet; no one is paying him to do anything.


hmm… how about: because both are out-of-touch plutocrats and cancers on the republic?

I’m sorry, what? I fancy myself a bit of a weekend Marxist, but I really have trouble parsing that sentence. Who of the what is throwing whom under the bus to what end?

“My” possums gladly take an encore:


Or the numerous mailers – and elaborate ones, at that. In the past week alone, I had to throw out at least nine of them; got more than one on a couple of days. One folded out in an origami-like way. What $$$ can do.


Class reductionists want to reduce all oppression to being class based. In theory this sounds fine, but in practice women, POC and LGBTQ+ get told that the class war takes priority over the fight for their rights, but everything will be ok after the revolution. The revolutions that we have had show this doesn’t happen, those rights still need to be fought for and all that is different is that there are new leaders telling them to wait. This is before you include groups like the tankies, who hate LGBTQ+ people regardless of the class war.

Most left wing complaints about identity politics tend to be class reductionist. Ironically class reductionism is identity politics too, they just can’t see it.


JMHO: Biden has the willpower, political acumen and charisma of a potato chip; the only thing he has going for him is 1) he’s not Trump and 2) he served under Obama; that’s it… and zero platform. As such, he’s a malleable lump. So, even if the GOP retains control of the Senate, a still in Dem-controlled House will force Biden to call their shots. Biden does not (and never will) have anywhere near the “deep reach” into the Dem party that Trump has of the GOP, so he’ll be forced to tow the party line for their cooperation. To that extent, I think it’s a 2020 Dem-controlled House that I’d carefully watch with Biden in office.


this has possumbilities; its definitely not impossumble.


They might just squeak through.


We should scurry along now before we get too off topic :slight_smile:


This, this, and also: this.

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Yes, this is exactly why Biden will lose, all the same people who voted for Hillary will vote for him.