Boba Fett is mad at Disney for no longer calling his ship Slave I

Maybe Boba could rechristen the ship Prisoner with a Job I


Yeah, I was thinking Job Creator 1, has a bit of a capitalist nod.


OTOH, he’s one heck of a fine actor … so, maybe it’s just his shtick?

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My heart broke that day. I’d finished my Lego Razorcrest only a few months earlier. I hope they find him another one.


If you think you were emotionally invested in that ship you should see this guy:


The people who funded the Hasbro Pulse exclusive to get the Razorcrest made I am sure were pretty crestfallen.


Just rename it “Clone I” which makes more sense as Boba being the first clone and all. The name of the ship has never been mentioned in any of the movies from what I remember.


It wasn’t in the movie. It was on the toy and other vintage media, and in various media afterwards, like The Clone Wars.


I could understand taking a position of: No, don’t try to rehabilitate the villain as an antihero. The character of Boba Fett is a slave-catcher and we shouldn’t be whitewashing the evils from his past.

That’s a sentiment I could get behind, but I suspect the vast majority of Fett fans wouldn’t. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of portraying (however briefly) an iconic villain in canon, but Mark Austin seems to embrace the antihero rehabilitation of the character, which is unobjectionable enough in itself, but makes staking a position that Fett’s ride is named Slave I more than a little cringe-y because the implication is that slave-catching isn’t villainous.

I’m not surprised LEGO led the charge for this retcon. They were reluctant about making war toys as their company culture was very much against it, but decided star war toys were fantastical enough and the looming threat of bankruptcy and layoffs impending enough to get into the Star Wars business (which, for the record, I’m glad they did, even though I can’t afford their big mini-fig scale Aluminum Falcon). But I’m not at all surprised they don’t want to put Slave I on their toy boxes and certainly don’t blame them.

Personally, I never liked Boba Fett and much prefer Din Djarin.


Is there some newer EU stories I am not aware about that has Boba as a “slave catcher”? In all the media I saw, he was pulling in bounties for the Imperials, local governments, and the Hutts. None of them were slaves per se. They were wanted criminals wanted by the government, or other criminals.

Or are you just drawing real world parallels because some bounty hunters were indeed slave catchers?

Who knows why the ship was named Slave 1. Like a lot of original trilogy, it was probably a throw away name at the time. Certainly someone with ship like that must be a villain. Just another part of the mystery.

In creating Prequels lore, Jango was who named it after he stole it from a prison. It was never explained why, though. Jango himself was a slave at one point. Some people have surmised it was counting a score “Slave 1 - Others 0” But I dunno - a lot of this is just trying to back-fill throw away lines.

If they are going to rehabilitate Fett into an anti-hero, it makes perfect sense they would rehabilitate his ship name as well. It is a bit dark of a name for a “good guy”.

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More that, the name of the ship and what @LDoBe said:

Which I assumed referred to something in the Expanded Universe. But I’m not familiar enough with the EU to know for certain.

It did long ago occur to me that Slave I could also have referred to Boba himself being the first Jengo clone. As far as I know Boba was never depicted as a slave, but he was orphaned on a planet that tended to enslave orphans, so it doesn’t strain credulity that he spent time as a slave there. That also fits better with his rehabilitation from minor villain the creators never realized would become so popular to antihero.

Mostly though, I think LEGO understandably just didn’t want to print Slave I on toy boxes.


and that’s kind of the problem with it.

slavery in the star wars universe for doesn’t go very deep. it’s used to say the world is “gritty” without actually having to portray the consequences of that grit

in that way it’s like the “lost cause” of the confederacy. mythologizing the bravery of soldiers without mentioning any of the trauma of human enslavement

in star wars, after all, all of that slavery occured under the watchful eyes of the jedi and the republic. so you can’t actually show it and still have the jedi be the pure and holy good guys.

( not just star wars, tho. lots of books and movies try to make themselves look gritty by using consequence free short hands based on other people’s trauma )


I do not understand why he is making a fuss about a ship so small that I have always assumed that the pilot seat is also the toilet.

You make that sound like a bad thing. I find it efficient. (I was very surprised to find a pilot’s seat made canonically a mecha’s toilet in a Gundam series in the past decade. I’m in favor of that.)

So that would still be human trafficking, but now restricted to (young, attractive) East-Europe women (slave)?
Not that these things happen in the real world - no siree.

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Michael Sheard did spend a lot of his acting career playing actual Nazis though. he was Hitler five times (including in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade), Himmler three times and Göring’s double once.

He will always be Mr Bronson to me, the deputy head teacher you hoped you would never get.



Oh I didn’t see their comment. I guess I should have asked @LDoBe then.

I don’t know all the EU stories, so maybe that was part of the story line - I just haven’t ever seen any Star Wars universe bounty hunter referred as a “slave catcher” by anyone before today. There are slavers in the Star Wars universe, such as some of the Clone Wars plots (and Rebels, I think), but they are despised and are the obstacle to defeat to free the enslaved. I remember one plot line had them freeing wookies.

I think he had the ship before Boba, and thus the name. I think it was a menacing name someone came up with, and the reason there hasn’t been a good explanation for it is - it’s kind of a dumb name. It is like naming your car as a teen something edgy and vulgar just be an edgy vulgar teen.

Still isn’t 100% clear if this was Disney or Lego doing it. If it was Disney, it signals to me they are probably going to change the name in the show. If it is Lego, well, they have made a lot of high end kits with that name, including a huge book for that $200 one that went into some of the backstory. But, with the new popularity if The Mandalorian, and the price point, it make perfect sense to change the name to something generic and mom friendly.

And always a pleasure to hear Fett’s 'Vette.


Maybe he was a big Prince fan?


Agreed. I do feel like there was a missed opportunity in this case per @ikelleigh’s suggestion of Clone I.

While I’m more of a Trekkie in that I’m the kind of fan who tell you about deep Trek lore, I’m just jazzed to live in a time when both fandoms have so many fans and pros carrying the torch and firing our imaginations. It’s a good time to be a geek. :nerd_face:

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[quote=“GulliverFoyle, post:60, topic:200636”] It’s a good time to be a geek.

Given it is no longer seen as a “bad” thing, I have to agree.