Boba Fett is mad at Disney for no longer calling his ship Slave I

In 1979 Kenner’s ad agency suggested parents might not buy a toy labeled “Executor,” so they sent a memo with 135 alternative names, including “Starbase Malevolent,” “Black Coven,” and “Cosmocurse.” In the end the box just said “Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer.” This is not new.

(And someone should tell Mark Anthony that it’s Slave I, not Slave 1, if he’s so het up about accuracy.)


Jango Fett originally stole Slave I from Oovo IV, a prison moon that Firespray attack craft were used to guard,[18] outfitting the craft with a number of weapons, including laser cannons, projectile launchers, and seismic charges.[19]

All this to retcon what might have been a really stupid marketing decision by Kenner :wink:

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You know, thinking about another recent post, I bet it is in the ESB novelization. I don’t think I have one of those, though.

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It is. “Two guards shoved the frozen body of Han Solo through a side hatchway of the Slave I.”

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