Boba Fett's 5th episode has me worried about 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'

You gotta admit it was pretty Wizard though.


I’m actually enjoying The Book of Boba Fett so far. Just finished episode 4. Looking forward to episode 5. Though I think the show would be better renamed How Boba Fett Got His Groove Back.


The writers of The Mandalorian, including this ep, recognise the origins of Star Wars as Space Samurai. Jedi connect to the oneness of everything, forsake attachment, … They’re martial Buddhist-inspired monks. Giving us the “forsake attachment” callout in this ep was consistent worldbuilding.

I thought the writers for the recent trilogy were doing some clever writing in this vein when force ghost Yoda destroyed the ancient Jedi library, but no, Rey had snuck the books out.

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Which I took “sect” to mean. I’m also not sure why they’d be cloistered on the Deathwatch world unless they meant that being on Concordia was being cloistered.

So I guess it’s all down to what exactly they meant there.

But by the end of Rebels weren’t they all just one big happy Mandalorian family? Or least the whole Deathwatch thing mostly wrapped up? I don’t think we can be watching the Deathwatch from the toons.

So why were they off on their own by that point, if they hadn’t separated out?

There’s also how this sort of thing would read to most viewers. Who probably aren’t even as “Rebels was OK. Hey remember KOTOR?” grade familiar as I am. So “sect”, them surviving by being elsewhere. Fits with all the other drip feed about there being different groups Mandalorian.

I dunno. Maybe I don’t remember enough of the Filoni cartoons. And I’m just hoping too hard for a bunch of not from those shows Mandalorian sects to have a whole bunch of ideological jockeying.

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Haha yes, the Naboo Fighter is so weird… I guess maybe it’s fast enough to negate the need for sleeping in? maybe it can haul a trailer? :laughing:

The air filter sticking out of the hood and muscle car sounds are certainly… a thing. They added cyberpunk and techno to Star Wars in the previous episode, so I guess it’s all up for grabs now anyway.

It feels like maybe Boba Fett is specifically trying to appeal to an older less-nerdy demographic? Someone at Disney probably pointed to a chart and said “as you can see we’ve got a big untapped audience of younger male boomers.”


I really don’t get the hate for BoBF. I’m digging it and enjoyed some time to dig into the Tusken people’s lore. My wife was fangirling so hard her head nearly came off.

It feels like proper EU, in that there’s a lot of space for small things to happen, and that’s not a bad thing.


Pretty sure that was paying homage to Lucas’s earlier influences, which included hot rodding. The Millennium Falcon was supposed to be the family station wagon kitted up to smoke mustangs at the track on the weekend. Both new shows, and The Mandalorian especially, have been pulling from past references, influences, and concept art to populate the new shows. I don’t think it has anything to do with trying to rope in “male boomers”.


“So far Boba has been mostly exposition”

That’s all it’s been, and I fear that this season will be nothing more. It’s all: How did Boba survive? How did he get his current position? How did he meet up with Shand?


The whole sequence, I’m thinking to myself “How is he supposed to see around that manifold?”

Never, ever attach a trailer hitch to a muscle car! That’s just wrong!


It’s clear the final two episodes (now that the flashbacks are caught up and we checked in with Mando) are going to be the war against the Pykes and Boba’s new power coming to fruition.

But as for all that exposition and back story…what is so wrong with that? Don’t we want more depth and interest to our characters?


Pax Vizla is Pre Vizla’s grandson or uncle or something, he said in the fight? Grandson of the leader of Deathwatch, or nephew. They are both descendants of Tarre Vizla.

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I feel that so far the extensive exposition did very little to add any meaningful depth or interesting character development to Boba at all. Ok, we got to see some Tusken culture, but that was about it. Very little to explain Boba’s character motivation other than that he wants to be in charge of everything for reasons. and his claimed reasons don’t match his actions at all. That “think of the lives that could be saved if they only took the time to think…” speech he gave in episode 4 right after murdering a bunch of parking attendants and massacring a bunch of bikers pissed me off.


Well that’s why I said Star Wars (as in, the overall universe) designers and not Boba Fett designers, as I did pick that up. But eh, even if I’d remembered something from a forgettable movie over 20 years ago I’m not sure why that excuses the fetishization at the expense of storytelling. I went back and checked, his “gosh isn’t that a cool spaceship” scene actually goes longer than the ST:TMP flyaround that was also way too long.

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Even Fennec “Please let me kill more people” Shand was like you used to work with this guy; so why don’t you just ASK for your spaceship back?

If Bib Fortuna or his minions ever did anything to earn Boba’s wrath—or even Boba’s mistrust—then they forgot to mention it onscreen. Boba Fett massacred a bunch of people for no other reason than that they were employed by the same organization he himself had been.


I think he just said his ancestor founded House Vizla. So Tarre Vizla yeah, but I don’t think his relationship with any of the others has been specified. But both Paz and Pre are voiced by Favereau so probably.

Thing is we know even less about him than anyone else. Though he’s clearly not in charge. There’s no reason he can’t have a different take, or have joined some splinter group that left Happy Times Mandalore.

Stuff has happened. I don’t see how that stuff can’t include the helmet junk. Whether it’s new or some traditionalist thing.

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angry nerd GIF


Because it’s all about the callbacks.

You like the Cantina? You like Jabba the Hut’s castle? You like Mos Eisley? You like Sandpeople? You like Jawa and the Jawa Crawler? Great! That’s all we’ll show you. Over and over and over and …

The Cantina is now like the diner in Seinfeld.


The Fett series so far is a hard 4, and that is a bit of a push. I can’t sit through another flash back scene, they are awful, tedious, and poorly written. If they are on boarding Mando to lift this out’a the shitter, it may work, or not…


My point was more to why complain about a ship that was designed over 20 years ago. Us older fans need to remember that as much as we loathe the prequels, there is a whole different generations first SW film. Let them have their nostalgia too.

Oh thems fightin’ words! The empress deserved her time to shine and show off all her glory (plus that Goldsmith score is sublime)

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Good thing after episode 4 the flashbacks are done then. I for one enjoyed every bit of them. I cared more for his time becoming Dances With Banthas then any of the present day story.