Bolton book says House impeachment inquiry should have probed Trump beyond Ukraine

OT, but - Opossum eat ticks, which makes them valuable members of the ecosystem in my neck of the woods!
Not sure what the current government equivalent would be.


Hm. Yes. Whoever could have?


As a new member of the 'burbs, I didn’t know that. Living in the city, they would just knock over trash cans and make a bloody mess. Now that I know this, I don’t mind them as much. Not that I would host a nest in my house, but maybe I can ignore their creep faces and tails.


A variation on a Russian proverb: Trust (when appropriate)… but (always) verify.


Again with the political tie ins. Oh, you said “tails” not “tales.” :smile:
The podcast Patient Zero talked about the role of opossum and other critters in controlling or spreading Lyme disease. Pretty fascinating.


The more you know…

“Opossum is virtually impervious to poisonous snake bites and also can kill those snakes, making the world a bit safer of poisonous snakes. Scientists have also used opossum blood to create injections to save people after they have been bitten by poisonous snakes.”

So the opossum would eat the ticks, kill the vipers, and provide protection from their venom. In your scenario they’re practically the democratic socialists of the animal world.


Yes. If they were serious, they’d be seeking to primary every Republican senator facing re-election this year for rubber-stamping Trump’s acquittal.


Let me be clear: The Senate allows the President to commit crimes.

He will never face justice. He will not be removed. And there is no legal recourse for the conspiracy that the Senate committed in covering up these crimes. The voters will not punish their Senators as politics is a team-based sport. There are only two sides and you either cheer for your team or you find some other way to entertain yourself.


I think we can hate him for being a warmonger just fine, while recognizing that he has firsthand knowledge of Trump’s crimes.

Everyone is pissed off that Bolton didn’t testify, but I suspect he didn’t really have much of a choice. If he was subpeonaed by the House, or offered to testify to the House, the White House would have instantly filed suit and gotten an injunction. That injunction would have muzzled him from things like news appearances, print interviews, and writing a book. And, it would probably have been delayed in the courts for months, to ensure his testimony or any account would be buried until after the election.

(He might have over-estimated the competence of WH counsel in assuming this would happen, but it’s a pretty credible outcome.)

The Senate was really his only chance to get his testimony out there, and the GOP blocked that. But now he has the book, and given that physical copies are already distributed, there’s nothing to stop this stuff from getting out to the public.

I’m not planning to buy his book, either, but I think he’s getting dragged for nothing here.

I’d bet that just about every interviewer ends up asking that.

'Cept for the Lincoln Project isn’t “the GOP”; the founders having all renounced their Republican memberships and have been outspoken opponents of Trumpism, including being highly critical of GOP establishment complacency in his cult of personality, including supporting his impeachment. And their political ads are better than anything we’ve seen from the Dems so far, so credit where credit is due.


It’s made up of Republicans… hence Lincoln.

That didn’t have any problems with war mongering and racist dog whistling since check notes 1968? Why now?

I don’t care. We’re being played by good ads.


Because they are educated men who know fascism when they see it and are brave enough to stand up to it.

Whether you or I like it or not (and for the record, I don’t), good ads win elections.

They ignored fascism lite for decades, tho.


Well that is open to interpretation and definition. You may disagree, but there is a valid and important place for conservatism in the political dialogue. As much as I despised Reagan, he was no fascist. Same goes for W., although he allowed himself to be advised by men who were well down the path, at least in terms of foreign policy. I think it starts with the Project for the New American Century in ‘intellectual’ circles, and the Tea Party from the grassroots. These last three and half years we have learned the unfortunate truth that at least 35% of Americans are closet fascists. These men at least recognize the danger and are doing their level best to avert disaster.

Bolton didn’t testify because at the time his mustache wasn’t fully on board with plan. Since then they have struck an arrangement. The Bolton body wrote the text and will promote the book. The mustache will have a reduced book promotion role so it can continue spending as much time as possible to lobby for invading other countries.


We knew all along that the Senate would never go along with the impeachment, even if Bolton testified that Trump tried to murder all the senators and eat their first born children.

If Bolton had testified back then, his testimony would be long forgotten by now and lumped in with the “impeachment hoax” by Trump’s base. For the undecideds it would be buried in the haystack of lies and malfeasance that is Trump’s legacy.

At least the 5 minutes of news cycle this gets is closer to the election where we can and will throw the bum out for good.

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It’s done nothing but fuck us into this hole we’re fucking living in right now. They fucked my kids future, they fucked my future. Why should I give a shit about an ideology that doesn’t see me as a full and equal citizen.

I’m fucking done with the lot of them. I have no reason to align with people who would see me as a nothing more than adjacent to the men in my life.

Ask the LBGQT community if he was a fascist.

Ask Iraqis if he was a fascists.


When 300,000 people had died - the Reagan administration was publicly making jokes about it.


Damn right! This guy puts the country second to his profits. He sat his ass in those meetings and took careful notes of all the :service_dog: :poop: trump did. Then he omitted anything that could be labeled a national security risk potentially destroying his book deal idea upon his exit. This mustached fungus won’t get a penny of my money.