Bolton book says House impeachment inquiry should have probed Trump beyond Ukraine

Sounds pretty fascist to me. And then there were his “welfare queen” and “black bucks” comments…

And if we’re talking the roots of the modern conservative movement, it’s from the postwar period, but deeper if you follow the links back to the new deal… but most historians of conservativism very much trace the modern movements back to the 50s at least, anti-communism, some strains of evangelicalism, fears of integration, as well as fears of feminism and the gay rights movement, all combined to give us first Reagan, and eventually to Trump. They destroyed the liberal consensus and replaced it with low level fascism that eventually led to election of an out and out right wing populists who idolizes dictators and has replaced dog whistles with a fucking bullhorn. When people wonder how we got here, and then people like the never trumpers pop up and wring their hands at how this happened, I can only shake my head, and say ask people of color, women, the LBGQT+ community, immigrants, some union members how we got there… There is a HISTORY to that, and there are plenty of great historians who have been laying the ground work to understand this. It’s not at all inexplicable unless you’re willfully blind, or you think these people have “a few good ideas.”


He violated his oath of office. And abused that position by shirking his responsibilities for personal gain.

He should be subpoenaed by the House & if he doesn’t show, they should send the Capitol Police to arrest him.

And the House should immediately enter his book into the public record . Where everyone can then download a copy.


This is some spectacular revisionist history.

He was subpoenaed by the House, and refused to appear.

He got sued by the House and it was eventually dropped because it would have dragged the impeachment proceedings out for months. This is something the House Dems had no appetite for.

He offered to testify to the Senate knowing damn well he wouldn’t get asked to be a witness.

He does not get to be the “good guy” here. He is as much of an obstructionist as everybody else in Trump’s orbit and now he gets the bonus of being able to directly profit off of it.


Being queer used to carry the death penalty in many colonies and states. Not so very different from say the Nazis in the WW2 era.


Right? I mean in the UK during the 50s, it wasn’t technical the death penalty, yet Alan Turing was no less murdered by the state. How many gay men and women who lost their jobs committed suicide because they were afraid of the consequences of being outed? How many trans kids are suffering in silence now and might commit suicide because of how hostile the world is to them?

People really think it’s only the extreme end with gas chambers that constitutes fascist, but it’s not just that. It frustrates me that people can’t see the very real damage done by compromising with people who want to take rights away from people for merely existing. And this is how we got to Trump, because people were willing to compromise away other’s rights.


And such a deal! Look at everything they got in return. If by everything you mean shafted yet again and the worst response to a pandemic in the world.


But wait! I thought we were winning! We had tax cuts! And we… um… got out of the Iran deal… and… um… rolled back protections for people… and… so much winning!!! /s


Yep. More family farms closing forever. The highest unemployment since the Great Depression. And for those still working- one out of five have taken a pay cut.

But hey - thank god you no longer have to worry about them transgenders dieing to protect you. You know - they all probably have bone spurs anyway.


It tears me up that people can’t see what’s right here… It’s gone way beyond politics at this point. If someone’s politics rests on taking away rights from others, then it’s simply amoral. Full stop. Why is this hard?


That tide is changing. The squealing will increase as that becomes apparent to some circles. But it is just sound and fury, signifying nothing.

They know they’re losing and they’re scared and angry. But that won’t stop them from losing.


I hope so.


They know it. They wouldn’t be so hysterical if they felt confident.


This doesn’t seem to be getting as much attention as it should:

“According to our interpreter,” Mr Bolton writes, “Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the [Uighur concentration] camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do.”

Mr Bolton said that the conversation occurred during an opening dinner, attended only by translators, when Mr Xi explained “why he was basically building concentration camps” in the province where the Chinese Communist Party had been interning the ethnic minority.


Well, Americans don’t care about Muslims, so… /s


I wouldn’t cry too much for the family farm. It’s more than a bit of an American myth (and white supremacist to boot):


He is just a piece of shit and most of us don’t like him for writing a book about this and like fucking holding the info until well after the impeachment hearings. But that aside this is still my reaction:



He was requested to testify, but he wasn’t formally served a subpeona. It doesn’t appear the House actually sued, his attorney just threatened to take it to court, and they decided not to let that fight drag out. You can be sure, though, if Bolton’s attorney hadn’t, the White House would have.

Not that this matters, he could have testified in the original request, though that would likely have been blocked.

It’s weird how long ago this all seems now, my recollection was fairly hazy, apparently.

That isn’t a secret. He did that live on tv after being accused of doing it with the Ukraine.

Testify Bolton, testify.

Wait, that’s what he didn’t do. Well fuck you Bolton.

Let’s not forget he was fine with all the illegal racist shit and worked with Bunker Boy just fine until he backed out of murdering possibly millions of Iranians. That’s what his sticking point was. Not racism, homophobia, not hatred of women, not blatent stealing, constant lying, not dragging America’s reputation to rock bottom internationally, not fuelling the rise in fascist violence, not colluding with foreign powers to undermine democracy in the US. Nor any of the myriad crimes and misdeeds this monster does every single day. Just that he couldn’t get around to murdering millions of people to make Bolton happy.

If this unites both republicans and decent people in all hating that evil shitty walrus it will be the only good thing to come of it.


This headline should be put on every story about Bolton