Bolton book says House impeachment inquiry should have probed Trump beyond Ukraine

So all conservatives are misogynists to you? That’s a pretty broad brush of the kind we rightly reject if it comes from the right, so why is it justified from our end?

Perhaps you don’t recollect, but Margaret Thatcher didn’t stand adjacent to anyone. Sweeping accusations only sow more division between the foes of Trumpism, and serve to help him and his fascist enablers. In order to defeat this scourge we need to join together in an inclusive way, recognizing a common humanity and a common sense of decency and morality that binds us all. Call out culture and identity politics is the opposite of that and only plays into the hands of the enemies of democracy. Peace.

It sounds like they are basically an entire species of that cat from that Neil Gaiman short…

ETA the story:


Opossum Party! Someone needs to start this up and get on the ballot for 2024.


I’m a huge Gaiman fan and have not seen that one before. Thank you.

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The framework is already in place.

Me neither. Thanks, @HMSGoose.


Ending my right to bodily autonomy is inherently misogynistic. :woman_shrugging: Since that’s become a core conservative value…


There used to be a time when the Republican party had fiscal conservatives, some of whom were pro choice. I’m not sure whether there are any pro choice conservatives any more.

Abortion has become a litmus test for conservative candidates, and unless if you are a woman who is worried about her self-autonomy, you will never understand why we paint conservatives with a broad brush. If you want to control and dictate women’s reproductive choices, you are a misogynist.


They’re rabies sinks, too, IIRC.

Inspectors general, including the analogy about being thrown to the mongoose/vipers


Current “conservative values” include stripping women of bodily autonomy, denying rights to people based on their gender identity or sexual preferences, denying rights to people based on the color of their skin or their religion, funding the military to fight expensive and unnecessary wars overseas, giving huge tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy while cutting funding to social programs, putting the interests of huge corporations before the people, pro-white, pro-racism, and the list goes on and on.

If you agree with any of those things then there’s no common decency or morality. There’s no “both sides”. There’s no dialog to be had because you’re beliefs are so counter to everything I believe in it is pointless to debate.

ETA and if you’re a Trump supporter that means you implicitly support one or more of the things above, which means we have nothing to debate - you’re just wrong.

There’s nothing “conservative” about modern conservatism in America.



I can’t have a conversation about politics with someone who doesn’t think some of us are worthy of equal rights, because they don’t see me (or other people they target) as equals. :woman_shrugging:


This isn’t even hyperbole. It’s literally impossible. One can’t “convince” another person to respect your literal flesh and your own full humanity if they already don’t.


Bolton is Gríma Wormtongue cosplaying a human Republican.

Right? They literally think women are beneath them and need to be protected, from the world and themselves. They literally believe we’re not capable of making decisions about our reproduction! At best, it’s paternalistic nonsense, at worse, it’s out right hateful misogyny.

The conservative core is so far right now, there is just no talking about it in a sensible manner. It’s not a polite chat over trade and taxes, it’s a discussion on whether or not some people are equal human beings! :woman_shrugging:


Just look at what happened in TN this week…

This is a direct attack on women’s rights. Full stop. There is no other way to understand this, but in that way. It is the heart of the entire matter. We are either full citizens, or we are broodmares with no ability to control one of the most fundamental things about our biological reality. These are the same people who pass bills denying the rights of Gay/Lesbian and Trans people and who support racist, classist, violent, human rights abusing law and order policing. :woman_shrugging:


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