British man who tried to take gun from cop at Trump rally says he wanted to kill Trump

Trump died for our tantrums.


But the British have to work with us. They have to work with us. They know what’s going on. They know that he was bad.

Wow, this is easy!


Do you want to strip us of all hope for the future of humanity?!? because that’s how it ends. The human race might just be too stupid to survive.

Not sure “more competent” is even meaningful here.


How are Bachman, Cruz, Dubya, Obama, and Hilary all on the same level of WTF?

(Or is Trump just so WTF that the differences are invisible at this scale?)


The vertical scale is “importance of hand size”.


My art is so misunderstood!


Anyone remember what happened to Wallace in 1972?

BTW, I’m reading Steve Cowie’s book Stayin’ Alive on labor and politics in the 1970s, and man he keeps talking about things that make me think of the current election. It’s kind of scary, actually.

On a side note: I live in Maryland, and some people I know (who live elsewhere) are unaware, or refuse to believe, that Maryland is in the South (at the very least, the historical South). George Wallace was shot several miles to the north of where I live, and the Mason-Dixon line (i.e. the border with Pennsylvania) is at least an hour’s drive north of that.

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Bringing it back to reality, Hinkley’s assassination attempt is a big part of the reason Reagan got away with so much horrible stuff during his Presidency. When Reagan was being wheeled into surgery after the shooting he quipped “I hope you are all Republicans.” The lead surgeon, a committed Democrat, responded with something along the lines of “the whole country is Republicans today, Mr. President.” And suddenly a controversial neoconservative President was transformed from a figure of bitter division into a sympathetic leader who was all but unchallenged for the remainder of his time in office.


Wouldn’t that mean that some of the South is in the north of the country? How does that work?

Quick googling suggested that the middle of the lower 48 is something like 36°30′ north, which then led me to this:

This is the second awesome take on Trump Twitter I’ve see from you. Undoubtedly missed others. You should totally make a “Donald Trump’s Twitter Account” twitter account.


When will Obama have the guts to call this what it really is — Britishist Extremism!


I would be concerned with the morons with guns that would then have an excuse for revenge.

Britishite Extremism?

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Guns are reasons for morons with guns to use guns.

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I guess… but the Mason-Dixon line is between MD and PA, and Washington DC was deliberately placed in “the South” as some kind of compromise. I think MD qualifies as “back east” if not necessarily “up north.”

I love that the noted medical expert at the end of the piece gives a quote about how desperate the future must be because all of the future time travelers keep getting locked up, thus ensuring the need for yet another traveler who will inevitably be locked up.


Just a general note -

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