Brunei has a new law: death by stoning for gay sex

This is the same nation where the death penalty applies to anyone claiming to be non-Muslim.


According to, companies hiring in Brunei include Shell Petroleum, Starbucks, Macy’s, Radisson Hotel Group, University of Toronto, British Airways, Costa Coffee, GE, the Nature Conservancy, Bata Shoes, & others. Just sayin.
My favorite review:
“A difficult place to work if you’re not passionate about accounting.”


Not under the particular school of religious law they follow. Marital sodomy is also a crime.


Is there some kind of global competition going on to be the biggest dick autocrat? Sweet Jesus am I getting tired of news like this.


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Punei only, please.

People like to try and stay neutral. Try to say all cultures are equally valid, but I’d like to take the controversial position that Some cultural practices are barbaric and immoral no matter how inclusive you want to be.


When most of the world is moving forward, they are making sure to stay on the ass end of civilizations advancement.

What a sure way to get the entire world to know what a shithole of a country you have and how awful the humans are that run it.



Would you refer to the electric chair as a “cultural practice”?


Absolutely. I’m very much anti death penalty.


I find it more disturbing that the state enforces murders!of lgbt people. Laws and human rights exist because you can’t rely on the kindness of strangers.

People kill lgbt people now - everywhere it’s illegal to do so - many less lgbt people are murdered where the state doesn’t mandate that murder.

So I’ll be much more upset about the many more lgbt people being murdered rather than over the lost innocence of those who aren’t on the list of victims. Buck up little buckaroo.


Not so much - hate crimes are way up since Trump took office. And younger people are reversing that trend toward inclusion.


sigh… i wish you were less right, but at the moment that is too true. i still hope that the overall historical trend is more of a 2 forward 1 back repeating situation.

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“Hi. This is the Sheriff’s Office calling? Yes, good, thank you. You called last week to report a black child selling lemonade? Thank you for doing your civic duty, we do appreciate it. Yes of course. I just wanted to let you know we’re having a stoning next week, would you be interested? Good, I thought so.”


It is a “cultural practice” of a culture obsessed on punishment.


They could be kicked out of the Commonwealth of Nations for violation of the Harare Declaration. They won’t be though, otherwise Singapore and a lot of other countries would also be kicked out.

It’s still worth a try.


You mean cultures whose wholesale homegrown hate and deeply-ingrained intolerance has become the rule rather than the exception, especially so since a Trump Presidency became an actual possibility? The US is at the top of this list, not just for bringing more intolerance into the world, but also for promoting and allowing hate to persist while remaining chronically silent.This is why I want to leave the US, whose symbols have become symbols of hate, especially to queer, trans people of color (QTPOC, aka “cutie-pox”). I , personally have endured two violent assaults at the hands of authority figures since Trump’s nomination, resulting in having to move through the highly discriminatory, frequently neglectful and often abusive health systems of two different major west coast urban areas in two different states. This news should come as a shock to no one, especially queer people, or people of color. As long as the most emotion and greatest response people can come up with is “I can’t even”, more LGBTQI will suffer and die as a result. To respond to this post “in meme” is frankly an insult to the people suffering and dying in the US, Brunei, and others countries and nations as a result of unbridled hate and widespread indifference.

In effect, queer and trans people are being “I can’t even’d” to death.

If meme’s and slogans are telling indices of the state of activism in the US specifically, you may as well just kill us all yourselves. You may dislike this statement, and yes it’s volatile, but it is an honest reaction to the predominantly lighthearted comments to the horrific information contained in this post.
Boingboing has become such a great purveyor of memes, I actually imagined this post was going to be about a new t-shirt in the Boingboing store featuring a unicorn and their heavy-lidded partner grinning knowingly at each other with their bedroom eyes and stoned expressions as they take hits from a dong shaped bong. Apparently, I’m frustrated that my expectations of the content here at Boingboing have become so low, the actual post was even more upsetting, especially since I’ve experienced “tongue in cheek” discrimination from one of the editors here, recent enough to cause me to limit my presence here in the 4 or 5 years since. This is not the first place I would expect to have or see a serious conversation about human rights concerning the LGBTQI community. Apparently, this is still the case.

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Nope, au contraire: while they don’t care about the real victims, they will gleefully accuse Muslims of being barbaric, inhumane, etc.

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Yeah, well, that is absolutely true enough.

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