Nope. Trump’s silence will be seen by his base’s gay-bashing/hating if-I-don’t-shit-on-gays-then-I-can’t-get-to-heaven supporters as an endorsement of Brunei’s law, and therefore will be interpreted as a not-yet-safe-to-say promise to mimic Brunei here in the US. This is why Trump loves tyrants: all he has to do is positively ejaculate all over them and then let his base fill in the blanks.
The real problem is, you can’t hide loving someone of same sex - it just shows when you’re with someone you love - but you can hide a sexual act between you and your partner as long as you appear heterosexual.
They are not stoning for gay sex; otherwise they would do the same for heterosexual couples who engage in marital sodomy. It’s just persecution against the gays, end of story.
Welcome to boing boing first off.
Second, I think you missed the sarcasm that was inherent in my post. I know exactly what it is about, I was sarcastically pointing out the hypocrisy. Please learn that not every post on the BBS will always have a “/s” on it. That some folks are just always snarky. If you are unsure I suggest reading previous comments or asking the individual instead of just assuming and then making a comment that seems to talk down to the person.
Enjoy your stay.
The Sultan of Brunei sounds like a bit of a tool.
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