We are #old.
My guess is the copper didn’t see the crowbar until right on top of him in the cramped backyard, creating an opportunity for the burglar to strike and thereby necessitating a pre-emptive beating
I agree that the copper did not see the crowbar in advance. He was not looking. He came round that corner ready to pre-emptively beat whatever was there. There were five of them (coppers) and they had him surrounded. Hardly needed a baton to the kidneys (looked about there, to me). But one camera angle and no preceding film may be misleading me.
…that sadly lacks the usual jaunty interaction between British police and suspect, the extended ironic ruminations on the nature of crime and the inevitability of justice, the perverse yet socially reinforcing affectations of honor and fair play, the tea and biscuits down the station, etc., that are the usual hallmarks of modern British policing and its interactions with the criminal element.
You’ve not lived here for a while, have you, Rob.
(Yeah, your sarcasm is dryer than a very dry thing, I know.)
but not storm ellen or is it emma
post edited for irony
I honestly don’t imagine that the takedown in the US would have been significantly different. I suspect our expectations of a spoken command or warning is a result of too much exposure to police dramas.
If the spoken command/warning was given it would probably only occur when the burglar was white. If they were brown they’d have at least gotten a beat down if not shot.
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