But Her Emails: Ivanka Trump used personal email account for messages about her government work

Are you sure #7 isn’t Tilda Swinton, possibly cosplaying as Trey Gowdy?


The other thing that is seldom mentioned is the building that was attacked was not an Embassy but a CIA outpost so as I understand that was not even under the State Department’s actual control.

I thought it was housed within a state department facility or adjacent?

The person I know who died was a state department employee, not in the CIA.

I’ll admit that probably colors my judgement. I wish people could thank me for my service in voting for her despite this.

It is hard to put into words how deeply, deeply alienating it is to feel that you can’t express your honest and sincere beliefs. I guess I shouldn’t have “started it” by criticizing her, but I stand by my assessment that she has a pattern of poor decisions, which are compounded by an inability to own up.

I think too often we get caught up on these tiny issues - emails, was it an embassy or an outpost, etc… and miss the forest for the trees.

She voted for Iraq, she was unrepentant about this, continues to push hawkish foreign policy coupled with disdain for the poor (I haven’t heard her critisize her husband’s welfare “reforms” for example)

She’s not a good politician, or a good person, in my opinion.

You know that is the standard lie CIA spooks tell, right? The “State Department”.

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Yeah but in this case you had a state department compound, the equivalent of a consulate. But not technically a consulate. Full of actual state department employees. And a separate CIA annex around a mile away. The two were connected (not physically). But the CIA facility was technically covert, while the State Department facility was public.

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I’m not going to argue with you on this. Leave me alone.

I will repeat a statement I made I another thread: If Trump or his trumpkins accuse someone, pretty much anyone, of some heinous wrongdoing, it is a very safe bet that eventually it will come out that they have engaged in that exact activity. The projection powers that they evince are truly staggering.


I do sometimes wonder if we’ll find out he’s actually an undocumented immigrant from Mexico who is also a woman.


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