But Her Emails: Ivanka Trump used personal email account for messages about her government work

Otherwise known as the “Server Room”… doesn’t quite work as well for them does it?


No. Not (very) satirical. Sadly.

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we cannot process more than one scandal at a time, this one is useless

no, we cannot process more than one at a time, you are wrong, it’s proven over and over, it’s why trump changes the controversy every single day, tell me what happened last week - you cannot - hey remember the supreme court? it’s still a scandal but we’re not talking about it

so this is FAR FAR worse than this email nonsense which will never pan out, but no-one is bothering to talk about it - remember 5-6 hours a day of just sitting around and watching TV, the president of the whole freaking country


The basement doubles as the jail where the Clintons keep their pizza orphans, and plan their high crimes and misdemeanors. Just picture an evil lair with maps, swords and daggers everywhere, and bubbling cauldrons… you won’t be far off.

More evidence that it was never about Hillary’s emails, it was about hatred of an enemy. Facts, statistics, reality – none of that matters-- what matters is defeating whoever they’ve decided Satan is, while the anointed Savior can do no wrong. Our molehills are mountains, and their mountains are just molehills.


I think that’s an attempt to portray it as more than it was, combined with misunderstandings of what “server” means.

Most people think server and they imagine the data center sized rack systems they saw in that there Microsoft commecial. Servers are giant, expensive mysterious things that regular people don’t have and have no use for.

So stressing that it was in her basement helps imply (or runs with the assumption) it was something extreme, hidden and out of the ordinary.

All it really was, was a couple of full towers with off the shelf parts. Of course it was in the basement or a closet. That’s were you bulky appliances like this. The average person doesn’t think of the shoe box size device my friend keeps under his TV when you say server. Or the slightly larger than average beige box in the corner at work.

So an entirely normal, routine thing for smaller businesses and non profits to have in a closet, can be implied to be a secret treason cave under the Clinton “compound”.

Don’t drink the right wing koolaid. Something like 16 investigations and they came to the same conclusion. The embassy (and many others) had inadequate security. But that inadequacy was rooted in budget problems caused by the GOP forced sequester cuts. Essentially forcing the state department to use “outside contractors” for embassy security rather than US forces. Essentially the state department couldn’t afford anything but mercenaries housed off site.


But how could she possibly have known the rules about private emails, which were a primary plank of her father’s campaign, talked about extensively at campaign rallies, widely reported in newspapers, on television in campaign ads, pundit shows, on the news, talk shows, late night interview shows, spoofed on comedy shows, and talked about in the public sphere, etc.


Bubble for president!



The one thing they’re really really good at is projection.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s an issue that one specific person was responsible for. On the other hand, when you’re the secretary of state, it shouldn’t be difficult to acknowledge that it is a failing and apologize.

Again, it’s more a data point in a series of bad decisions followed by a deficit of contrition that bothers me than any one specific thing.

I understand if you don’t agree, but does me explaining that help understand my POV? :slight_smile:

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The White House referred requests for comment to Ivanka Trump’s attorney and ethics counsel



Sure. But like I said even the GOP produced house reports pegged it to budget issues tied to GOP attempts to strangle the State Department. And that’s still happening. A bunch of our embassies are still under secured. And the state department has been pretty much gutted under Trump. What little mishandling could be directly attributed to Obama and Clinton was about messaging and interagency communication in the aftermath.

So why does Hillary Clinton have to show some contrition (other than what she did show). But not Obama. Or especially congressional GOP who basically caused it? And why is showing contrition more important than fixing it.

The sequester cuts are nasty (we’re largely still operating under them). Targeted directly at federal employees, particular parts of the social safety net, and at particular federal agencies on the GOP hit list. Like the IRS who can’t even afford to investigate tax fraud at this point. And the State Department.

I lost my apartment and defaulted on my student loans when the sequester killed the federal unemployment extension (in the middle of the recession!). I went from having 6 more months to pull myself out of a mess, to making panicked phone calls to give up my security deposit in exchange for an early end to my lease and 2 more weeks to get my shit out. Overnight. I know soldiers who’s homes were foreclosed after working for months without pay. Who are still fighting for that back pay. I know so, so many federal employees who were forced into early retirement, with their pensions summarily cancelled.

If I have a problem with the tone of the Obama administration’s response it’s not that Clinton didn’t show enough contrition. It’s that they didn’t get loud enough on all that. Connecting Benghazi to the targeted GOP cuts. The way the sequester had hurt so many regular Americans, deliberately, and directly caused the deaths in Benghazi. I didn’t, and don’t want contrition. I want anger. And I want it fixed.

Sorry if that sounds bitchy. But given the direct impacts on people around me, it’s a pretty big sore spot for me. And the complaint with Clinton is always one of tone, often to the exclusion of actual issues and facts.


I didn’t say only her.

I have a lot of issues with her positions as well, and neoliberalism in general.

I don’t have the energy to argue whether I’m allowed to feel the way I feel and tire of the entitled, vaguely incel vibe that I get from her supporters. (Hillary is a NICE WOMAN and the country votes for JERKS it’s HER TURN! Why can’t Hillary pass bad “market based” solutions like the other WHITE MEN!"

It’s exhausting to constantly be tone policed and sealioned whenever I criticize her. She’s not entitled to my vote nor my respect, end of story.

Well for one, it’s proof that the Clintons actually had a basement, unlike that subversively tricky ping-pong pizza place.


What I saw on my FB feed was, “Yeah, but Ivanka does not have Top Secret clearance”.

Of course, she does, which I pointed out. There is nowhere you can move the goalposts on this that you can defend. Unless of course all of Ivanka’s email becomes public and contains no top secret info, and no government business.


It’s actually really amazing just how much projection is going on with Trump. It’s downright uncanny how there’s almost always a tweet or previous statement.

Though part of it is that when Trump makes a fuss about something, it’s not because he actually cares about it - or even fundamentally knows what he’s talking about - but because he sees political advantage in doing so. So he’s likely to do the exact same thing if it’s the lazier option (and he always goes for the lazier option) because he’s never actually giving any thought or real concern to the issue he was harping on about. He’s probably often not even aware he’s doing it.


Right after he does another hair makeover:
When will he make up his mind?


Easier to picture The Evil Liar than The Evil Lair.

Benghazi wasn’t an embassy, or even a consulate. It didn’t have official status, which made it low on the priority list when dealing with budget cuts.



This is semantics, I’m not interested in debating you.