CA state Corrections worker hit and threw hot coffee on volleyball-playing Muslim guy in park

More like Jingo!

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Sheā€™ll be 2016ā€™s version of Joe the Plumber.


Sheā€™s a witch! Burn her!

If you go back in time and kill Donald Trump

Everybody does that the first time they go back.


In WA state rangers can make arrests.


This is a job for Anonymous!

Watch it, buddy, my kid plays trombone.

Hey, did it occur to anybody this isnā€™t about racism at all? Maybe she just hates volleyball.


This foolish woman does not represents a person of God. No more than those who kill in the name of Allah. Itā€™s so very sad that some see the tragedies of Paris and now San Bernardino as a green light to display hate. There is nothing Spiritual or American about hate. So miss with the cup of coffee and words of hate, when you die dress for the heat.

Terrified is the right word. Terrified of the future, of any sort of change, of people who look different or have a different upbringing or philosophy.

Many of them stock up on guns, ammo, and food because a primitive fight or flight reaction is the only way they know of dealing with anything different.


California Department of Corrections is allegedly pretty cushy(at least for actual guards); but she is going to have a pretty difficult time arguing that she is qualified to represent the state in interactions with inmates after pulling a stunt like this.

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Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll fit right in when President Trump brings back waterboarding.

Politicians and a-holes? Scalia isnā€™t a politici-- oh, now I seeā€¦


It makes the same amount of sense.


Maybe Trumpā€™s characteristic lack of taste will allow him to overlook it; but I have to imagine that there are some seriously creepy sadists working or ā€˜consultingā€™ for the clandestine services that would make for stiff competition. She has the grassroots enthusiasm that helps propel an ugly ethnic grudge match; but she doesnā€™t seem like pro material.

Very good, sir.

If anything happens, we may end up with another idiot complaining that the governmentā€™s infringing her freedom of religion.


Yet we have all these people saying Islamaphobia isnā€™t an issue.

When a person is watching so much FOX news that they think this is even theoretically acceptable, it sure as fuck is.

We know who the real terrorists are, and they spend a lot of time on the cable news networks.


Next time just wish them a Merry Christmas, lady!


ā€œWe expect all of our employees to treat everyone with dignity and respect both on and off the job.ā€


And then, she can meet the pope!