Can somebody write a web page filter that replaces 'Muslim' with 'Jew' to make the wingnuts look like Nazis?

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Whether or not Trump says foolish/attention getting things (denial of service attack on other Republican candidates?) can’t really be in question here…

OTOH its pretty obvious that the BoingBoing commenting crowd would shit enough bricks to house the world’s poor were it put the way you s/ 'd

The point is that people should ALREADY be shitting the same bricks for things that a number of right-wing politicians (including Trump) are saying about Muslims.

The fact that EVERYBODY isn’t horrified the moment that crap comes out of their mouths is the problem.


I substitute Unitarians. That way we find out if we’d exclude several former presidents/founding fathers.


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This is also true.

Also that they’re treated like adults rather than being sent somewhere away from the rest of us until they grow up.

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