Canada heads to the polls

And now that the election is out of the way, let the knifing and throwing from the sleighs begin!


I wonder if Shandro will be rage crying on Kenney’s driveway now (presuming Kenney has a residence in Alberta) ?


Exactly. That sort of shit really needs to stop.

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My Employer was in a snit all day fuming the PPC got no seats in Parliment although they have 800,000 (roughly) votes.

I agree. On paper is looks uneven, BQ with 8% popular vote and 32 seats in parliment. PPC had 5% and zero seats.

So there is a bright side to not reforming the first past the post system.

We tentatively have a liberal replacing our incumbent conservative. They will have to count the mail in votes. I was pleasantly surprised.


When you have a lot of nutters widely spread across the country, that happens.

They’d probably still be fucked with ranked ballot, except where splitting the vote with the CPC let another party win.


With ranked ballot, I think the seats would be substantially different. A majority of the country supports one of the two major “left” parties (Although the LPC might like to think they are leftists, with their solid support of neoliberalism, they are at best right-centerists (not that there’s anything wrong with that), so I think you’d get a lot of what is currently only informally ABC voting.


I saw that comment yesterday. What a ghoulish thing to say (even if it is accurate).


In 1993 the Bloc got 54 seats with 13.5% of the vote and the PCs got 2 seats with 16% of the vote. That’s how first-past-the-post voting works! (It’s a feature!)

But really any PPC supporters should probably quiet their griping. The Green part got 4-6% for years before getting a seat, peaking at 6.8% (no seat) then falling to 3.9% and getting a seat the next election. 5% is not enough to earn a seat in Canadian politics (unless you are very regional).

This is what bothers me about the idea of hospitals “collapsing”. We aren’t edging towards a cliff we will abruptly fall off, we are going downhill. When people say “on the verge of collapse” they imply the crisis isn’t here yet. What it really means is the crisis is already here, and it is getting worse every day.


Just how dire would it have to be to qualify as collapsed? :exploding_head:

Kenney and Shandro should have seen the plotted curves at least three weeks ago that showed where Alberta would be, but did nothing until after the election.


Yeah, that’s what I mean. People would always talk about having only 10 ICU beds left, then 2 ICU beds, then zero, and then it’s negative 11. It’s not like there are some magic number of covid patients that if we pass it suddenly all the doctors and nurses just vanish twilight-zone-style and the hospitals fall into rubble.

But when I read about a child dying because their appendix burst because a hospital was in such a bad state that a child whose appendix was about the burst didn’t get triaged to the top of the heap… the “collapse” is already here (that story from Florida, not Alberta, but it’s random which story gets headlines, Alberta definitely has many heartbreaking stories piling up).


“We’ve replaced the ICU system with wood chippers and Soylent Green plant. Let’s see if he notices.”


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