Canada man goes on racist rant over parking space for his truck

A racist at a bowling alley?

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Why, bless your heart.



I always wonder how many persons are really paying attention when they talk about how much nicer the Deep South is.

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People can complain all they want about him, I just don’t care. The open-ness and transparency, not just in appointments but in his schedule (remember when the press had no access to Harper at all?) is amazing to see. Also the re-embracing of actual science and stats. UNGH!! So good! Its a good start, a really good start.


Oh, no complaints at all when compared to Harper. Maybe I’m just expecting too much, too soon.


Won’t work. We’re going to build a wall to keep them out.

Some Trump supporters, I assume, are good people, but we know of at least one who admitted on a hot mic to being a rapist.


if this guy is going to be racist, he needs to work on some better material. the same slur loses it’s punch the 20th time. \s

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i think it gets at two very important issues: (1) non-whites think “many” whites actually are just this racist in real life, but in private (ie - when the “immigrant” leaves the area). even if that is not the case, the sentiment will only continue due to very aggressive guys like this getting all the attention unless the white community has the (lame, undeserved, oppressive) task of checking and containing these types of aggressive hate mongers - its not going to be enough to say “well, he isn’t bothering me so why should I get involved”…you ARE involved because this is an assault on your (our) principles and our (our) morality (just my opinion)…

(2) it is important for people to see the real situations and ever present hostility that people of non-white skin color can be subject to. some in the white community have been very vocal about hating “all this pc nonsense” - but I think part of this is because they don’t really understand how deep and pervasive the otherness-vibe/animosity can me…

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It still gets him hard, and that’s what matters.

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We’ve got “gentlemen” too :frowning:

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