Candidate for Michigan Gov. says the "bible should be the basic textbook" in schools — then gets stumped

Sadly, they have powerful and rich allies like the DeVos, Princes, and so forth. It’s those folks which concern me. Last time I read, the US Army had to root out a couple theocratic types in the lower ranks that kept trying to indoctrinate service members. They keep trying hard on that angle but luckily it’s not been a success for them. I hope it stays that way.


I’m pretty familiar with Michigan politics. A lot of my relatives live there (and a bunch are in the whackadoodle camp). Whitmer is polarizing through no fault of her own, but ultimately Michigan has a majority of Democrats. As long as they vote at a high rate, they win. The key is preventing voter suppression shenanigans. It’s a bonus if right-leaning independents are soured by the GQP candidate and don’t vote. I’m realistic that there’s a snowball’s chance in Hell, MI that they will vote (D) but if they can’t stomach whoever the Rs nominate, that’s a win.


You would be right, especially in the upper Midwest. There are strong Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Methodist traditions there, and those denominations tend towards the “Christ-as-social-justice-warrior” view.


Agreed. I know I point this out regularly, but we really need to stop putting all Christians in the same basket. It’s not particularly helpful, and it just dismisses actual allies on the issues that matter to all of us on the left.

Indeed. We got some of that here too…

Black Lives Matter Freedom GIF


It’s a lot closer than it used to be. CNN’s results had most of the state voting Trump; the main reason Biden won Michigan was due to strong results in the Lansing and Detroit areas:

…and the state Republicans are trying to enact the same kind of voting restrictions we’ve seen pushed in so many other states. AFAIK none of them have passed… yet. I definitely wouldn’t consider Michigan a “safe” state for the Democrats any more. I’d consider us purple at best.


I was just musing on how different it is in the UK, where we have an actual state religion. Then I realised, all the more bonker Christians left the country to go to the Americas, which might explain why y’all have so many problems with them. Most of ours are relatively sensible really.

Archbishop Justin Welby: Rwanda immigration plan ‘cannot stand up to judgment of God’ | ITV News)


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