Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/02/07/cat-frozen-outside-like-a-snow.html
That poor kitty :c glad it’s ok.
Poor kitty!
Snow on the outside of fur is actually a good sign that the insulation is working - if the cat’s heat is escaping, then it would have melted the snow. Of course, this only works up to a point…
Good for kitty, but “dethawed” sounds to me like “re-frozen”. Yikes!
Didn’t look happy, maybe it was intentional.
I just saw Wes Craven’s “Chiller” on Creature Features this past weekend. I’d keep an eye on that cat.
Happiness is a warm kitty.
Cat frozen outside like a snowball was dethawed and is just fine
Could be “declawed”.
Meanwhile BB picks on poor Donny for garbling the language.
Well yeah the cat was unhappy. Have you ever had a full-body ice cream headache?
Was going to make a Pet Sematary reference. Now I don’t have to. Cheers.
As for “dethawed”, I think @pesco may have mixed up “thawed” and “defrosted.”
Pesco isn’t the POTUS. “Held to a higher standard” certainly applies to the ConDon®.
Glad it worked out this time. One time I thawed out a cat I found in a glacier but it turned out to be a really bad idea.
Dethawed means, effectively, frozen.
/rant off
Also, poor kitteh!
Poor kitty,
Cold Kitty,
Little ball of fur,
Snowy kitty,
Frozen kitty,
Burr, burr, burr.