I’m more cynical than you on this. At this point it’s going to have to happen to a congresscritter’s kid. Twice.
…and it’s the same kid.
Somewhere between most & all.
It’s a training issue. They all focus on combat, de-escalation doesn’t get any emphasis whatsoever.
I say most/all as this necessitates a complete rethink on how police police.
…but you knew that.
Ranked 49th in overall public education
45th in health care
50th in health care spending
Sixth highest obesity rate
Ninth highest murder rate
Yep. Done.
I disagree.
A little /s in a teeny-tiny font would make posts like yours so much easier to read. I get emotionally hijacked before my higher functions kick in and tell me you’re being facetious. (Maybe just me.)
They were being sarcastic. Earlier they quoted a tweet mentioning that “just comply and no one gets hurt” is something that you say to hostages, not civilians.
How is one to comply with commands in a language one does not comprehend?
Police should not resort to physically debilitating force simply because of a communication breakdown.
I think you dropped these {s} {/s} . ( I would not have thought you would need them but evidence seems to run the other way)
But, but…he was brown, not black. Or is that why he’s only partially paralyzed?
(apparently needed in this thread: /s)
Thank god for civil lawsuits to punish cops. Unfortunately they don’t lead to jail time. But somebody is going to pay big time.
What’s there to visit?
I’ve actually been saying that for a while now;
It’s gonna take the death of a young child of someone who is very rich, powerful and, most important of all, white before anything gives.
Maybe we shouldn’t have to. Got better things to do. Make your position more clear next time.
Nah. I can take the misplaced insults. If anything the fact that Poe’s Law is in effect is a point to be made in itself.
I can work it out when it’s a regular talking, but for names I don’t recognize, I need a hint.
There have been off-duty police officers killed by rampaging cops (who sometimes were themselves off duty), and it’s failed to have much of an impact. Because the victims were usually black cops, you see…
Yeah, the taxpayers. When they start taking the settlement amounts out of the PD’s paychecks, we might see a change. Might.
Of course they were. This is HOW a few bad apples spoils the whole bunch and WHY. The question is who next and what next.