Originally published at: Check out BMW's new color-changing car, which can go from white to black in an instant | Boing Boing
BMW’s cost of ownership is the highest of all brands (more than 3x the lowest over 10 yrs). It jumps considerably with color changing exterior options, I guarantee it.
Also, I’ll bet anything that modders and hoonigans will come up with a more durable, cheaper and modular version within 5 years. And it will come with a default Monster Energy logo.
You have to choose one for your registration, so this could be a problem when pulled over. You can be fined if it doesn’t match the color listed.
Nothing really extraordinary.
My daughter has managed to change not only the colour here and there, but also the shape, of her car since she got it.
Ah, I now see you mean voluntarily changing colour!
So can I use it as an e-reader?
You will have to sell ads on the surface to pay for the extra maintenance.
Hey, Boss? The getaway car for the next, er, gig? I think I’ve found a winner . . .
Great. Yet another thing that can go wrong on a BMW.
Can it also do a bunnies and duckies pattern? Asking for a friend.
I look forward to the day some manufacturer in the US makes a car the average person can afford to buy new. The wife and I used to go to auto shows and look at the new cars we would eventually own 15 years later when they have over 100 grand on the odometer.
We don’t need no stickin’ color changing car or a built in hot spot or bluetooth locks or etc… The average person needs a reliable vehicle to get them to work to earn money to buy food and live indoors.
Right now, BMW is only showing off the entire surface of the vehicle changing at once, but you could easily imagine the equivalent of e-ink bumper stickers or — because this is the world we live in — full-sized ads on the side of the car.
Dog help us.
Can any technology make that car less ugly?
Yeah, but you only change the color when you’re committing the crime, then change it back immediately after.
My first reaction was to remember the Stainless Steel Rat’s get away car.
Next step: color-changing driver.
Typical BMW - shades of gray and silver qualify as “color.”
I’m having a flashback to the color-changing fabric in the 80s that would show hand prints - I’m wondering if this is temp-sensitive enough to also show handprints (or other prints, heh).