Cheese is the chameleon of the food world

Fried halloumi and balsamic reduction.

(Yeah, made the halloumi, totes easy)

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Cheese curds. 2% lochmead milk.


Unanswered questions:

  1. What is the cheese of the reptile world?
  2. What is the food of the cheese chameleon?
  3. How many chameleons does it take to screw up a cheese dish?
  1. Wensleydale
  2. Stilton
  3. They are remarkably good cheese makers, but it is usually soft and stinky
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Yep. I am a cheese maker, and even I know that on the ā€˜goodā€™ end of the spectrum (forced impregnation, etc) is dubious, and on the industrial scale you donā€™t even want to think about it.

In classic portlandia style I bought my milk from a farm down the road, and the dude there was as ethical as possible.

Kinda weirdos (exactly like me), but awesome.

Also, in some cases, extract of calfā€™s stomach.

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Okay, this is your fault

If you ever see a cheese rind like this, donā€™t think about what you are eating.

Oh FSM, I promise I wonā€™t post the grossest pics (unless I am double dog dared)

Why? Is that rind due in some way to maggots? (Do I want to know the answer?) (What thread am I in?)

Well, duhā€¦

I double-dog dare ya!!

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No you donā€™t, and yes it is. Cheese mites arenā€™t maggots (oh lord I have some disturbing pics) but if you see that dimple pattern it is insects.

ā€¦and here we go. I will put a line breaks in this.

Damnit line breaks :slight_smile:

Thanks? =8-O

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Trust me: Iā€™m a huge cheese lover, but casu is where I draw the line.

Fortunately, I have the eating-in-foreign-cultures get-out-of-jail-free card: I explain that maggots are living creatures, so I canā€™t eat them.

(Ignore yeast and bacteria, run along, nothing to see hereā€¦I donā€™t know how Jains do it!)

Oh jesus, Iā€™ve been up for about an hour and havenā€™t yet eaten, and now I am STARVING.

And the cats wonā€™t go cook for me.

Pretty sure, ā€˜No fuck off crazy old Italian dude, I am NOT eating that!ā€™ is perfectly fine. Italian food is fantastic, all of it apart from grampaā€™s nasty cheese, which he can keep (or preferably not keep).


I have much the same problem, I think. In principle I really like podcasts, itā€™s just that I donā€™t seem to be able to pick up any information from them. I think it might be because I try and treat them like the radio, get sort of bored and fidgity and end up doing something else (usually visual) while Iā€™m listening. Apparently I suck at concentrating on two different things at the same time.

The one exception seems to be driving: I like listening to the radio when Iā€™m driving alone, and have no problem following along with interviews and doco-type radio shows. The unfortunate bit is that I hardly ever drive anywhere, and even less often anywhere by myself.

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I do this all the time with podcasts and radio plays. I just canā€™t concentrate on them.