Originally published at: Christian hate-preacher Greg Locke promises free brooms for any witches who come to his church | Boing Boing
Brooms? What kind of dime store witches does he think we are?
Do i have to show up in person to collect, or can i just have it shipped if I’m there via zoom
If I were a witch and were to take him up on his offer, I’d be worried about him trying to cite Leviticus 22:18 and kill me.
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
Oh wait, he’s one of those “Christians” who probably hasn’t read the Bible.
Make it a Dyson and you’ve got a deal.
The term “witch” as used in the Bible is really more akin to “snake oil salesman”. Maybe Mr. Locke should invest in a mirror (and a broom).
Found the witch!
So he’s inviting them over just to kick them out? How very Christian of him.
This dude is a raving lunatic cultist. Super dangerous.
I’d have a suggestion where he could put that broom, but being a Xtianist he already has a stick up in there.
Perhaps he should sponsor a quad-ball team?
Doesn’t he know witches have besoms?
Well, TIL. Although I first read “bosom” and was wondering why that needed to be pointed out…
The “curse” that keeps you from getting ahead financially is called capitalism.
It’s the ultimate Evangelist grift. Pretending “Witchie-Poo” type witches exist doesn’t cost anything, but it brings in the donations.
You know, if they had made the Sandman years ago, they would have made her Death, I think.