Christianity Today: Trump should be impeached and removed, 'morally lost and confused'

Seems like this is something big, but in this crazy world who can even say?

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Jesus can always say. The question is, are you ready to hear what Jesus has to say?



Umm, no, I disagree. He’s the perfect example.


The christers knew all this before. They are ready to cut him loose because they got their tax cuts and their judges, and Pence can step in to burn down anything else that needs burned down.
Time to pretend to have a moral code again now that the bank robbery is complete and the money’s in their mattress.


“I believe that the Lord is gonna step into the impeachment process. I mean I know it’s gonna happen. It’s not gonna be pretty but it’s gonna be over. Because the Lord is making a decree,” Vallotton declared in a prophetic word during a recent message billed “Sovereign Providence,” posted to the church’s website on Dec. 8.
On Wednesday, President Trump faces becoming the third president in American history to be formally charged with impeachment.
Vallotton, who described “sovereign providence” as a season when God decides to simply take over, said the current political climate is ripe for such a move.
“This is not about politics. I’m so sorry if it feels that way. I know how it could. Everybody in the front row knows me. It’s not about politics. If the Lord gave me this word about President Obama I would stand here and give it and I have done so before. This decree, the Lord is gonna step in sovereignly. He’s gonna bring it to a close. And it’s gonna be ugly but it’s gonna be the Lord,” Vallotton said.
“And I believe the Lord’s gonna give him [President Trump] another term. I believe it because … the Lord wants it. Cause the Lord wants it,” he said

Delusional as ever.


According to the article, trump was four years older than the kid in the playpen he was using for target practice. So five or six maybe?
Little shit.



Nah I’m good.


I want to believe this is the first chink in the dam of Trump’s support. I really do.

But I don’t.


So apparently even though Billy Graham started this publication, the Graham family no longer has any association with it? Because Franklin is still 100% on board the Trump train.


I found this part of the linked article about Bill Clinton to be very interesting:

no country can bounce back from presidential betrayal in ten days.

Not only do his supporters forgive him immediately, they also attempt to bully the rest of the public into forgetting about every transgression and just “move on” at the same rate. If anyone is lost and confused, it’s his adoring fans.


Yeah, looking at the timing it looks like I was mistaken, and that wasn’t what got him sent to military school. It was more likely the incident @brainspore described above. What both incidents have in common is the thuggish and bullying behaviour that’s still evident today.




What would Pence do that Trump has not already done. If anything, Trump is much more effective than Pence could ever be.

This thread is filled with people who are angry at evangelicals who do not spurn Trump and angry at evangelicals who do spurn Trump. Pick a side.


Well. Isn’t that a kick in the globus cruciger.

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One wishes he had met a different baby…



I have. Maybe consider that there is more than two sides.



The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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First of all I don’t believe it. These people are blind until now? What car ran over these people for the last 3 fucking years?

Second of all if this is true I really don’t give a shit what these moral morons now decide they believe because they’ve been brain-dead the last 3 years.

If this is actually true and they are actually waking up 2 reason then hell froze over and I’m happy as hell

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Finally. These words are truth. While we have every right to be suspicious of the motive and timing behind them, the content of this editorial is spot-on. I applaud the editor for finally saying what has been glaringly obvious for years.

I’m sure this will be financially catastrophic and the editorial board will be walking the unemployment line in short order… but it’s about time someone from the evangelical community said this.