Christianity Today: Trump should be impeached and removed, 'morally lost and confused'

Curious that the crescendo of their argument invokes metaphors of poker. I wonder what God thinks about taking wins from games of chance, especially a game of cards that is in part about dishonesty?

Well, no big deal. Religion is human, and humans are experts in hypocrisy. (Disclaimer: I am human.)



I have no dog in the Christianity fight since I am atheist. I will give Kudos, though, to Christianity Today. They were for removing Nixon, removing Clinton, and now Trump, remarkably consistent views over 50 years. They also wrote at least once article before the 2016 election roundly criticizing Trump and the evangelicals willing to overlook his many, many moral short comings. Unfortunately it appears no one has been listening to them, so I don’t know what kind of influence an article like this will have other than to be added to Trump’s long list of people and organizations he needs to tweet insults about.


President Pence would be awful, yes, but I am not convinced he’d be any more awful than Trump. Also, he has all the charisma of a sack of sand. Can you imagine a cult of personality, like Trump has, around Pence? I don’t.


The cult will morph pretty quickly from Trumpers to Pencers. I would like to believe that they will lose steam post-Trump, but they are out now, and tasting power and blood. They like it, and they mean to hang on to it. Long after Trump is gone, the cult will be a force we’ll have to deal with.


I don’t think it is that simple. While I am (happy? less miserable? something less unpleasant feeling?) that there are Christians who are perhaps realizing that Trump really is as bad as he seems and not just a little lost sheep finding his way, I also am pretty damned gun-shy about trusting this as an actual epiphany and not just rats recognizing that the ship is actually sinking. Time will tell, but I would rather see them finally begin to turn on him than blindly continuing to support him. As I said, time will tell what this actually means. I am slightly encouraged by this development, but hardly turning back flips.


Fred Clark has Things to say about American Evangelical Christianity’s transition from Billy to Franklin. The former is, apparently, as good as in the memory hole these days.


here’s hoping that trump lashes out on twitter at those loser christians - I like saviors that don’t get nailed to the cross…


Unfortunately, as stupid as a statement like that should be, I would hypothesize that it would be greeted with much nodding of heads and cheering by his supplicants. Damned stupid timeline.


I can’t be sure what they meant, of course, but when I read “morally lost” it made me think of “without a moral compass”; those being similar metaphors.

Honestly I thought “morally lost and confused” sounded extremely harsh coming from a perspective informed by Christian philosophy on morals where morals are an obligation to God. It’s like they are giving Trump a 0 on a scale of 0 to 10, but we’re supposed to be 10s, not 5s.

I mean, how someone could learn this during the impeachment trial and not from when Trump said they don’t ask God for forgiveness because they’ve never done anything wrong is another matter. I think people who have been wrong for a long time often need to have a story and say, “This is what made me come around.” They want to use the impeachment hearings as a prop to finally admit what they’ve known for years.

But however annoyed I am at them, I realize they’ve just signed up for years of harassment threats from people who they thought were their followers. Whether they actually had a wake up call about Trump or not doesn’t matter that much, they are about to get one (in the form of a literal call, at 3 AM, threatening to murder their children).


I’m feeling very pissed off today, so sorry if I offend.

Screw Christianity Today. Screw every single dumb-shit Christian that voted this monster into office.

No, you don’t get take-backs using the impeachment by sane people as an excuse. You are all responsible for this dumpster-fire which will take decades to recover from.

Your moral compass broke back in 2016. If one of my kiddos drops a glass on the floor, they don’t get to say “my bad” and think everything’s fine and they can go to their friend’s house. They FIX THE FUCKING PROBLEM. So sweep up your shit with more than and editorial and start voting these chumps out of office.

My only hope is that most of you are old enough to kick the bucket in time for the next generation to fix this country. Assuming you haven’t corrupted enough of them already.


I always thought it was “the enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy.”

If only I could work in another “enemy” it would almost be a buffalo.


“New phone. who dis?”

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The breakfast of my enemy shall be my enemy’s enema.


I think Christianity Today’s message to it readers is less “we were wrong” and more “we told you so”. They warned their readers about Trump before the election.


Do you think that in the extremely unlikely event Trump is convicted & removed, that Pence would stand a chance to get elected in 2020?


Given the extensive shenanagins Republicans are willing to pull to make elections go their way, it wouldn’t surprise me.


The editorial is harsher than the title indicates. It doesn’t stop at calling for impeachment. It calls for removal, whether by impeachment or by vote. It invokes having to stand before God and explain putting political expediency over the 10 commandments. It even says the country and evangelical Christianity are at stake.

Most of the people here will see it as underwhelming. But you aren’t the target. To evangelicals, this is a punch in the nose yelling wake up before it’s too late.


I don’t know why people here are calling Christianity Today a “Right-Wing Evangelical” magazine. It’s a “far left magazine:”