Claudia Conway sneaks video of her mom Kellyanne cursing at her

That seems utterly devoid of explanatory power to me. Seems a lot like saying, “people drive cars” to explain the trend of white supremacists driving into crowds.

I don’t know how manipulative a 14-year-old relative of mine is with their friends in a quest for social acceptance. I know they aren’t posting on social media that their parents are abusive and using code to say they aren’t safe in their homes.

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Ah, I wasn’t aware that she didn’t tell her daughter. Yeah, that might be borderline CPS worthy. Especially since she’s old enough to stay with a friend until mom gets better, although I wouldn’t allow her in my house now even if my daughter was BBF. Then again, the Conways are rich enough to afford a modest hotel room, and I bet that daughter would like some alone time right about now.

Christ, what an asshole.

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I was on call at the hospital when my wife called to say our 18 year old HS grad daughter had left to hitch hike to California. We didn’t hear from her for 2 years. It is a rough time, and worse now than in was 18 years ago when this happened. (It wound up OK. She just got married (in a black gown and green hair, in the back of a van) and moved to Salt Lake City. Still very much what they call a “free spirit”)


Nothing happened to the daughter. It was the mom who got her ass burned.

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