CNN political analyst says Trump will fire Pence on July 16, 2020

The politics of replacing a VP seem awfully dicey, especially four months before an election. Replacing a VP requires a majority from both the House and the Senate and Haley is unlikely to get that done in four months. Ford, by the way, was confirmed very quickly because the Dem leadership in the Senate and the House flatly told Nixon that Ford – and Ford alone – was acceptable. And filling the vacancy likely made it a lot easier to gather up votes in the event of an impeachment trial and, ultimately, Goldwater had a lot easier time telling Nixon the gig was up knowing that Ford was taking the job, rather than elevating Speaker Carl Albert.


I’m confident Trump would be willing to…massage the truth a bit to rewrite the narrative, aren’t you?

There would be no need to formally replace Pence, Trump would just announce that he’s been relieved of all duties and replaced by VP in waiting Haley.

I mean, he could could toss Pence off the ticket for Haley, but there’s just no path to removing Pence from office prior to 1/20/21.

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Even changing up the ticket for a second term is dicey. It certainly doesn’t look good. What I remember of incumbents discussing it or actually trying it, it tends to presage a loss.

I would think Nikki would be smart enough to not hitch her wagon to that particular lame duck, if she was going to try to be an across-the-aisles type candidate in the future. Although Trump’s blessing is good for a certain base it’d be the career kiss of death in other regards.


Although the only president I can think of who changed vice-presidents and lost is Ford (at least in the last century or so), I have to agree that the vice-president just isn’t that important.

Will Haley get him some votes? Sure, but where? It doesn’t help him a whole lot if he wins more votes in South Carolina and other states that are going to go for Trump anyway.

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What, by pulling a 25A? If he’d done that earlier, when he had the opportunity, before Trump had completely surrounded himself with toadies, that would have given Pence a couple years in office before he failed to be nominated or lost the 2020 election. At this point, he just gets a couple months in office. And that’s it, because the 1/2 (I think it’s less) of the GOP that wants to go back to how things were aren’t enough to give him a win in the next election. Too many people who voted for Trump just wouldn’t show up for Pence, and Pence wouldn’t get the support for that kind of action because they all know it.

Yeah, which is why if Pence pulled a 25A, it would be seen as a coup by all the Trump supporters who would then be actively hostile to the establishment GOP, so the GOP would crucify him, not support him.


Why stop with one? Have different running mates in each state!

(It’s kind of been done.)

The thing is, Trump thinks (with good reason) that he no longer NEEDS Pence to shore up the evangelical vote. And when was the last time 45 showed any loyalty to anybody that was not useful to him anymore? So dropping Pence from the ticket and timing it in such a way to take attention away from the Democratic convention really DOES sound like a Trump move. Of course this could get interesting fast if Pence decided to retaliate by “telling all” while he was still in office. But I don’t think that the odds of that are very high.


I guess she’s still resident in South Carolina?

There’s an Electoral College “now it gets really weird” gotcha if the Pres and VP on a ticket are from the same state. (Electors of that state can only vote for one of them, possibly with a split party P/VP result.)

I was thinking about Trump’s change of residence from New York to Florida, but I doubt it was anything that subtle.

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I actually think he’ll try to replace Pence with Ivanka.


You realize they have been saying this exact thing for three years now.

And while we are busy mocking him, he has destroyed the entire country, what little reputation/respect we had, absolutely no-one can stop him.

40-45% of the population is going to vote for him again, he’s not the problem, they are the problem because they aren’t going to change or go away, they are going to vote for the next idiot in 4 years (which may be trump, he can legally run again)


she wouldn’t be in the running, would she?

“Girl from Maine makes good”?

subject to senate and house approval.

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Guaranteed or my money back, right, Paul?

Trump doesn’t need Pence as his religious gatekeeper to the religious. Trump is already maxed out with the religious. He does have further room with independent/low-information white women. If he were to dump Pence, it would be kind of brilliant.

What shall be fun is: watching Pence eat the shit sandwich that has been prepared for him with the customary gusto he has eaten all the previous shit sandwiches Trump has prepared for him.


Isn’t there a sword around somewhere that he can just fall upon?

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It’s buses all the way down.

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The whole “Nikki Haley” thing stinks. First we kept hearing how she was the amazing, competent, mainstream super-attractive mega-genius future of the GOP, based on no evidence whatever. Then she started popping up to shart approving nonsense about Turmp’s latest imbecilic cruelty, just like any other Fox News jack-o’lantern, and those voices from offstage would explain how this was her sophisticated political maneuvring.

It’s bullshit! I don’t know what part of the establishment is running this PR campaign, but there is literally nothing to her alleged reputation apart from that PR. You have to read a lot of insufferably self-regarding political news to have even heard of her (unless you lived in SC a few years ago I guess). AFAIK she doesn’t have a single policy or media moment that anyone would remember organically.

I don’t suppose there’s any substance to this prediction – I think someone asked this guy to say it, and he was happy to get the attention – but if Turmp made her his running mate, who cares. If the political news establishment thinks that would somehow affect anyone’s vote, they’re unbelievably high on their own supply.

According to my calculations, [VP choice] x [Nikki Haley] x [MAGA interest in crypto-ethnic women candidates] = 0 x 0 x 0 = 0