Compare the way Trump spoke in 2015 to the way he speaks now

Yeah, it’s true. He always has a hard time with that - he does no prep and clearly has difficulty seeing it, with no comprehension of what he’s reading (not knowing when sentences start or end, or even what the words are). Still, he seemed in particularly bad shape during that speech. The reading was more tortured than usual, and physically he had a lot of problems, too. His face seemed worn and deflated, he was unable to hold a glass of water with one hand (he seemed to need both hands just to hold it up, whereas previously he seemed to need two hands to hold it steady), and he struggled to walk down the gentle incline of a wheelchair ramp.


Uh, yeah, he didn’t take shit.
His just saying it makes it so.


No thanks i don’t need to sour my day watching that trash pile but i’ll take people’s word here on whatever takeaways there might be.


attacking how stupid, downright moronic and 5th grade reading level is fine but attacking him for old age decrepitude, well have you seen Biden lately? not a good attack point

I honestly don’t think Biden will make it through four years, we might find out for the first time what happens when a president passes away from “natural” causes

still voting for Biden of course, it’s the VP pick that is what counts and I am sure the entire cabinet will be top notch


Speaking as someone who was an adult woman watching the talk shows at the time: nope, it was very clear even then that he was a spoiled selfish jerk who would be dangerous to be alone with.

If anything, he doesn’t seem half as dangerous on a personal level now – apart from being in such a position of power, obviously – because he’s so much less in control of himself. If he grabbed one of my daughters now, they’d be able to easily pull away and run. And what gold-digger would bother sticking around at this point, other than the one who is legally stuck with him for now? He can’t play the games he used to. He’s pathetic, full stop.


Whoa, that direct comparison is disturbing. Friendly reminder, this dotering wreck of an asshole has the control over the nuclear arsenal. Have fun with that and sleep well.


Trump has 2 speaking modes, and in one he appears to be sedated and speaks very slowly. That’s normally when he’s reading from a teleprompter like others have mentioned.

I also think the first part of the clip might be slightly sped up. There are points in it that just sound too fast and a little higher pitched than his voice is.

No argument! I’m probably not explaining myself well. He was a bad guy with bad ideas even then. In fact, he was yammering about the same basic stuff, which may be why he can still remember some of it.

I just mean he didn’t talk and move like he was falling off the dementia cliff.

Our monkey brains are pretty good at recognizing when another monkey brain is circling the drain. His clearly is, and I would have said—did say—the same thing during the 2016 campaign. It’s just shocking how numb you get to it after a while.


Trump is always better talking about himself or being vicious. He sucks and seems bored whenever talking about anything lofty or idealistic.


I imagine that Biden would be adult enough to, if needed, assess his fitness and heed advice.
On the other hand, I do not wish to imagine the alternative.


And still grow hair

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True, but I think Biden has pledged to be a one-termer if he wins.


Wow. To me he sounded, and looked, somewhat drunk. Just an observation after years of living with a father who drank a lot. I doubt Trump was drunk. Except on power.

I’m sure a number of us here would agree that Biden isn’t an ideal Democratic candidate by any means. If Trump is whole milk, Biden is 2% milk. Better than whole milk, but still not great for you, really.

Hmm. Insert skeptical_fry.gif.


This can’t be right. Trump won’t wear a mask.


He’s really dead and we’re watching a primitive automaton.


Yeah, I’m not really voting for Biden this November, I’m just voting for ByeDon.


Maybe he’d been snorting Adderal?

A better comparison will be when he speaks at his bought and paid for crowd in Tulsa on the 20th. I expect he’ll be all coked up and sniffing up a storm then.


He’s been in office less than a full term; Dubya and Obama were there for a full 2 terms and took the job seriously for the most part.


remember tho that 5 human years is like 15 scumbag years.