Compare the way Trump spoke in 2015 to the way he speaks now

Hey, let’s get things straight. We are not monkeys. We are apes.


Apes, monkeys, lemurs, whatever, can we all agree that we “made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place”? – Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


Don’t diagnose people remotely like that, particularly if your are not a specialist.


Yeah, this was my first thought. I’m not saying that Trump isn’t in cognitive decline, just that this video isn’t any evidence of it. I’d be more interested to see how he looks when he does his first rally coming up. We have more than one video from 2016 of him at a rally. It will be interesting in “oh fuck, my country is a shitty reality TV show, I guess I better laugh as we all burn” kind of way to see how he compares between past and present rallies.



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Um, I’ve been around people on Thorazine. As bad as Trump is, he hasn’t yet quite gotten around to what a single dose will do. Just sayin’

AlsolListen up. Th ‘Goldwater Rule’ was conceived at a time when it made sense. It does not make sense now, not with 24/7 coverage. You don’t really need a subject to be clinically diagnosed when you can observe them in real time 24 hours a day.


Trump is a villain–he takes Lokizine.


Yeah, that’s even part of the community guidelines


Valid point. Also the decline (or say the transformation of all presidents) people mention has loss of sleep as a very likely contributor to that. I hope this isn’t seen as diagnosing remotely. That’s a good guideline per @Pradaldi and @MrShiv. I’m just saying it’s not a job you can take up, reasonably expecting to have your beauty rest for the duration of the term. It is really hard to tell if/when this guy sleeps. But it would be interesting (and I presume easy for one of you coders) to look at the range of time stamps on tweets from before he launched his campaign until now.

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Biden should embrace that and tell America that you get a two-fer if you vote for him.

OK so what’s the excuse for Magarthur? Does the teleprompter make him say words wrong?




They were also of an age that eight years would make very visible changes to their appearance. Trump never looked normal for his age from the outset, so the only changes that are visible are cognitive.

How many are in his cult? 20% of Americans? 30%? Assuming not everyone who votes for him is necessarily a card carrying member of the Church of Trump, it’s still a staggering number of people who have staked their personal reputation on him.


Maybe hydrazine? It’s very bleach-like in it’s nastiness.


He did if we wanted him to

Joe Biden is all things to all people


Interesting comment in that the very topic is an invitation to make an observation or speculate about dRumph’s decline over the last 5 years.


I wonder if there is an ongoing attempt to Michael Jackson Trump as a solution.


@Brainspore “clear cognitive decline experienced by Reagan”. The first time I really noticed his decline was during one of the debates for his re-election. He had a specific amount of time for a response and he ended up spiraling into a story about a drive down California Interstate 1. He was meandering, didn’t make a pertinent comment and the moderator couldn’t get him to stop. I imagine the story was supposed to have some point to make for his response, but he seemed to have completely lost his train of thought. I was very surprised when no one really talked about it.

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