Confounded Trump's helicopter tantrum further embarrasses

Originally published at: Confounded Trump's helicopter tantrum further embarrasses - Boing Boing


Get ready for Trump to continue doubling down on his version of the story regardless of how much evidence surfaces to refute it.

TFG was literally threatening to sue the New York Times just for (accurately) reporting Willie Brown’s earlier denials about ever taking a helicopter ride with Trump.


Wrong coast, wrong guy, wrong decade, nuclear codes.


I think Trump can actually memorize the launch codes.




Laughing at fascist strongman wannabes is always the most potent attack. They must appear invincible and in control at all times. Being the butt of the joke emasculates that. And i am all for it.


I have same combination on my luggage!


Person, man, woman, camera, TV?


mel brooks password GIF


I think we’re in “still”, it hasn’t fired normally in a long time.


No, that would require that he could actually count.

Also, this story is racism, misogyny, lying, and corruption all wrapped up in one package.


Also let’s not lose sight of the reason Trump and Holden were on a helicopter to start with was Trump was trying to curry favor with a politician he needed in his pocket for a real estate deal he was working on.


…just like the evil POS himself!


I’ve been following this story in all its twists and turns, and it’s just pure Trump. We had the immediate story, which was implausible. Willie Brown denied ever having been in a helicopter with Trump, and certainly not one that was in trouble. It was pointed out that Trump had been in a helicopter, after the California wildfires, with Jerry Brown, and that, while the helicopter had experienced no problems, apparently Trump “repeatedly brought up the possibility of crashing.” (Which is hilarious.) For a while that seemed to be the whole story - it wasn’t Willie Brown and there was no crash. Then Nate Holden came forward, and some details came out about that ride, where things did get hairy, and that Trump and one of the other passengers, executive vice president of construction and development, Barbara Res, had both told some version of the story over the years.

So it turns out that Trump has been telling a story about how he was in this crashing helicopter with some Black guy who “went white” with fear - but according to both Holden and Res, it was Trump who went ashen. So it was more Trump projection, mixed with some racism. It sounds like Holden was more angry than scared - a Trump company helicopter had just gone down not long before this trip and killed some people, and Holden was pissed that Trump still was apparently not taking maintenance seriously. It seems that at some point Trump decided it was Willie Brown in the helicopter (presumably because he’s more famous than Holden). He then got further confused and mixed in elements of his copter ride with Jerry Brown. Trump then knowingly threw in his lie about Brown saying “terrible” things about Harris, so we have all the different ways Trump warps reality in one story.

That story, as reported in the Times, is pretty funny too.

“We have the flight records of the helicopter,” Mr. Trump insisted Friday, saying the helicopter had landed “in a field,” and indicating that he intended to release the flight records, before shouting that he was “probably going to sue” over the Times article.

When asked to produce the flight records, Mr. Trump responded mockingly, repeating the request in a sing-song voice. As of early Friday evening, he had not provided them.

Mr. Trump has a history of claiming he will provide evidence to back up his claims but ultimately not doing so.

Trump really is a child. A weird, very disturbed, child.


Just a completely obnoxious elderly five-year-old. It never ceases to astound me that this person was president of the US, and may be again.


The even more mind-numbing part of this is that it’s such a pointless lie. His idiot cult doesn’t need any more reasons to hate Kamala besides her gender and race. Why bother with this nonsense? Is it because he still can’t come up with a stupid nickname for her that isn’t just an outright slur?


That laughing strategy didn’t work in 2016. Laugh all you want, but never forget how many people don’t laugh with you.


he’s been bullying people this way his whole life, running over them with lies, berating them until they agree. and it’s always worked, so there’s no reason for him to stop now, regardless of the subject matter.

and there’s also that he can’t stop. not until his brain explodes from some sort of stroke, or lightning from heaven… because as soon as he does, he’s going to drown in all mud and muck he’s created. his whole narcissistic world would come tumbling down


There is a difference between laughing at the buffoonery and pointing it out publicly and not understanding what a threat that buffoonery is. Laughter is a weapon. The fascists are outraged and confused by the sheer joy in Harris/Walz. They have no idea how to counter that. Seeing Dems in anything other than a defensive crouch scares them shitless. And it should. We are the majority, by a long way. We are finally acting like it. He cannot dominate, as he says so frequently, if he is laughed at and treated like the idiot he is. That is not retreating or hiding, it is weaponizing joy. We need more of it.