Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 4)

Yesterday my neighbor’s personal care assistant was wearing a mask. She’s been working for my neighbor for several months or more I think, but I’ve never seen her wear a mask before yesterday.


I wish that were true here. We were the only ones I saw in masks out and about today



About right. But the will to do anything about it seems to be gone. I am resigned to protecting myself as best I can, knowing that no one is going to protect me. We had a mom yesterday who tested at home, was positive, came in to the office, no mask, sat in our waiting room, came to the exam room, only when the nurse was checking her in did she mention why she was here. Her child, who also had covid, needed a PCR test for school.


… if your kid is sick, but he wants to go to school anyway, then he needs a test so that

my brain, this is hurting my brain :face_with_head_bandage:


I do not have the necessary prerequisites to assess this research, but that’s a scary fucking description.

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A hypothesis worth exploring, but cautions are warrented. This is an in silico study showing that, in a computer simulation, this could happen. Clinical work to see if it actually does happen is the next step. Interesting data, but nothing to get worked up about yet. Given the body of data on the billions of cases so far, i would expect that if it caused an AIDS-like syndrome with any frequency, we would have noticed by now. But i have misjudged our ability to delude ourselves before. Worth watching, but that’s about it. For now, anyway.


Huh? What’s she babbling about?


There are a few places where talk of mask mandates has been brought up. Not a lot, but as the numbers increase, both of covid, flu and “miscellaneous viral misery,” there will be a few more. It will make MAGAts lose their pea-pickin’ minds.


It’s all over Indiana already. Must be the latest thing on rightwing fascist media sources right now.


Here’s the story I was referencing


And I was referencing the largest/most active thread on the NW Indiana NextDoor site right now, which started with this initial post (no links or references):

DO NOT COMPLY! As the government prepares to lock us all down again for the cough, my motto is and has always been DO NOT COMPLY! If a large enough percentage of the people will adhere to this motto, it will keep us free from the excessive medical tyranny they want to impose on us. I can live without movies, I can live without hospitals and doctors, I can live without restaurants, I can live without the grocery stores. I enjoy all these conveniences, but they are luxuries. How will you take your stand against medical tyranny round 2? I urge you to DO NOT COMPLY!

Hundreds of responses, most of them in agreement, and often even more bat shit crazy.

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I can live without hospitals and doctors… they are luxuries

it’s too bad the hippocratic oath doesn’t allow doctors to take them at their word. it’d really lighten the work load.

( for my own mental health i’ve got to imagine that while – yes, some of these are real people – some also have to be bots looking to sow dissent; i really wish there was a way to know which was which )


The US CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) recently held a meeting on isolation precaution guidelines, to which they invited public comments. Three minute public comments were allowed after the meeting. Shortly into the meeting it was noted that the presentations would be posted to the HICPAC website, but a claim is circulating that they removed the link to this one. Here’s the meeting from different sources on YouTube. The public comments were scathing, and you can watch that section on its own, below. The video description on YouTube contains timestamps to specific speakers.

It looks like the deadline for written public comments is tomorrow.


Gotta admit, the fact that this is in TX and KY is surprising. Not that it happened, but that they actually chose to acknowledge and respond to it.


i can’t imagine why anyone would want to wear a mask in a healthcare setting, seeing sick patients everyday. :sob:


According to the guy who got my appendix out, surgeons are made to wear masks to keep them from licking the instruments clean during an operation.


instruments?! you kids have it so lucky. back in my day the surgeon had to gnaw your appendix out