Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 4)

So wait, are we still talking derangement of the senses, or is it like a skin infection that changes how we actually smell, to other people?


Not an infection, just bacteria. And yes, you can smell like corn chips to other people.


Things can be caused by so many other things I don’t know how anybody can legitimately diagnose anybody with anything :confused: :confused: :confused:


rabid matthew broderick GIF


Interesting… a member of our Ontario :canada: Science Table and Professor at U of T, Colin Furness, was on CityTV News yesterday evening saying that any case of COVID has an effect on the brain that is comparable to concussion.

Now CityTV is not… Fox… but also not PBS… for “COVID Eats your Brain” to be a lead item on the evening news is remarkable.

Edit: Found the article

COVID-19 brain fog: How the virus impacts the nervous system

Colin Furness, an epidemiologist in Toronto, says that everybody that gets COVID-19 deals with some brain tissue loss. The question, he says, is how much.
“Imagine having a nasty concussion. Imagine having a really bad head injury. Do you want to suffer the equivalent of a really bad blow to the head? For most people, the answer is no.”

He also just wrapped up a grad course that I suspect many in this thread would have enjoyed… not online, unfortunately, but some interesting summary points are in this Twitter thread.


The Shanghai government is apparently updating their policy a little since this was written but it’s insane that these child separation policies were created at all, let alone that they’ve persisted this far into the pandemic. Even if you don’t care about the trauma and pain that these separations cause, it clearly creates perverse incentives to hide infections from officials, which doesn’t help anyone.

The latest is that they’re making some limited exceptions where some parents get to stay with the kids, but only if the parents are also positive. So, once again, creating perverse incentives:


I don’t like it.


I cannot say i am familiar with the self-contol study design, but the results are not surprising. Perhaps the duration post infection, but covid is known to cause a DIC-type picture, with DVT and PE as symptoms. Lacking familiarity with this type of study design myself, what do you not like?


Danny Devito No GIF by reactionseditor


Intelligent people became less happy during the pandemic -- but the opposite was true for unintelligent people


Then why is the MAGA crowd so angry all the time?


Damn. FDA: lateral flow antigen tests don’t work as well with Omicron. PEI: lateral flow antigen tests work as well with Omicron. This study: lateral flow antigen tests don’t work as well with high viral loads of Omicron.

Sigh. WDKS.

Sidenote: all four families with kids next door had Omicron in the last three weeks. The Kindergartens are the source.


“Respiratory Backwash”

Headline at CNN page: “This invisible Covid-19 mitigation measure is finally getting the attention it deserves”

Yes, now that summer is approaching and people will be outdoors a lot, let’s finally start focusing on the main problem with people being indoors! :woman_facepalming:


In much of the southern US (typically deep red politically and very much “mah freedums” related to anything Covid), springtime is the start of the season of moving everything to the air conditioned indoors as much as possible because it is hell-adjacent outside until November. Indoor ventilation should be a year round concern here, but like everything else Covid-related, it gets very little attention or effort.


I think you’ve figured out why they are happy. They are only happy when they are performatively angry.


I remember days in Alabama as a child, when it was positively “soupy”.


When this thing started back in the spring of 2020 I suggested to two of my biggest customers with large facilities that one very simple thing they could do to mitigate some of the risk was leave the bathroom fans on.

All of their public bathrooms for their employees are large handicap accessible bathrooms but they are single person bathrooms. It would have been so simple to just leave the light switch on during business hours or a very simple rewire at the switch to make the light and the fan separate. But nope.

We work after hours to avoid people and the first thing we do when we get there is open the bathroom door and turn the fan on especially if it was occupied within an hour or so of us arriving.

I’ve watched the bathroom use when we work during business hours, you can not believe how many people do not wash their hands after using the bathroom. If they can’t be bothered with that simple thing how can we expect them to wash hands to help stop or slow a deadly pandemic.

Personal hygiene seems out of reach for a lot of people. I get so tired of hearing people say we need the germs to build our immune system.

If that were true, hepatitis, the flu, common colds, etc… would have been eradicated years ago.




Interesting argument: lack of trust in authority due to problems in childhood may be correlated with refusal to get the covid vaccine.