Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 4)

Fixed it.


As in so many one-party governments throughout history, “the party” in this case seems to boil down to the decisions of just one powerful man.

Per the Axios article linked above:


Ontario :canada:'s “no COVID” fantasy is wearing a little thin and it seems Ottawa’s school board has had enough.

Premier Doug Ford won’t like that… (but I did like today’s cartoon in the Toronto Star, which references the story I linked above about our Chief Medical Officer’s silence on any actual plan.)



Autopsies suggest COVID’s smell loss is caused by inflammation, not virus


That’s somewhat good news, as inflamation can be treated more easily than, say, brain damage…


A bit late to the party, but it’s always good to have another effective option.


I was wondering if somebody could perhaps help me out with PCR testing?

I am planning to travel to Kansas to visit family in about two weeks and then come back to Japan a week later. To board the flight back to Japan (this is a requirement even for citizens), I need a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours before my departure flight. The problem is that I need the test results (it can be a printout) to include my name, my DOB, the test sample type (nasal swab, deep throat saliva or naso/rhinopharyngeal smear/swab), sampling time/date and results date as well as the test method used (NAAT: RT-PCR/NEAR/LAMP/TRC/TMA/Smart Amp) and the name/address of the medical facility and the name of the person administering the test (this last one is probably okay if absent).

The sample and test method have to be one of the ones listed above or Next-Generation Sequence or CLEIA/ECLIA.

What I want to ask is, has anyone here gotten tested at CVS or Walgreens? If so, did your test results include all or at least most of the above information? Their websites say that they do PCR lab testing for travel purposes, so I believe that they perform the kind of test that I need. I just want to check whether that information is listed on the results provided.

I appreciate any help, as I’d prefer not to have to make an appointment at an actual clinic (this is all out of pocket). Leaders, please feel free to move this to its own topic. I will delete it once I figure out one way or another.


Are you going anywhere near Wichita? My mom can call and find out this info.


I’ll be in Lawrence. Do the results vary from place to place, I wonder?

I did have my sister call them and they honestly didn’t know. They just send the sample off to the lab and then you get the results by email.


A quick Google search says CVS is corporate-structured (Walgreen’s is franchised), so the rules are likely the same across all stores. But do they follow the rules in Lawrence? :man_shrugging:


Fourth shot protects against severe Omicron outcomes; COVID may increase risk of rare eye blood clots


Saw my cardiologist yesterday, I asked about the latest booster.

He said their head of infectious disease received the booster but so far is leaving it up to doctors and their patients on the timing. He said he is waiting.

He said to call him in a couple months to talk about it and see what their recommendations are.

So I’m still in wait and see mode for another booster.


Some interesting data here on positivity rates, especially comparing folks with various numbers of doses (sheet 3)

Importantly the data seems to be made up entirely of PCR tests conducted at Walgreens locations so it’s hard to say how that might skew the population sample.


Variants, variants, variants…

WHO is also monitoring circulating recombinant variants like XE, including XD and XF.
XD, a hybrid of Delta and BA. 1, has been found in France, Denmark and the Netherlands.
XF, also a hybrid of Delta and BA. 1, has been detected in the UK and Germany.



A second-hand story of a nasty Covid experience; this happened to an acquaintance, who’s been sharing her story on social media. Woman, in her late thirties, no chronic conditions or anything AFAIK. Two shots, but I don’t think she had gotten a booster yet.

She had two weeks of insistent fever, not super-high but constant and wearing. Combined with all kinds of symptoms of a nasty flu, w. coughing, loss of breath, pains all over the place, and general exhaustion.

Now the fever’s gone, and she’s had negative tests at last, so she has kicked the infection. She’s not in the clear though, far from it. Apparently, she’s lost over 50% of her lung function, so she gets exhausted from doing basically any physical exertion; doctors say she’s going to recover most of it (there will probably be some permanent loss), but it’ll take anywhere from six months to maybe a year. She’s also suffering from heart problems: tachycardia, and wild swings in blood pressure; doctors are much less clear on what’s causing it and whether it will clear up, and if so, when. At least Finnish socialized medicine and welfare system means she’s not going to go bankrupt or have to choose between treatment and eating, but right now that seems like a cold comfort.

So, yeah. Not a fan. I’ve been lucky avoiding Covid so far, even with Omicron going through most of my friends and relatives, but I’m not looking forwards to eventually getting it.