Correlates of Trump voting: searches for erectile dysfunction, hair loss, how to get girls, penis enlargement, penis size, steroids, testosterone and Viagra

the obvious explanation is that people voting for Hillary Clinton tend to be hairy womanizers with big turgid penises, as you would expect


Has it occurred to them that the testosterone and other steroids may be causing these problems?

Other side effects that they might find undesirable include gynecomastia and testicle shrinkage.


I watched that debate as it aired; I remember thinking at the time that the Republican Primary Clown Train had gone completely off the rails. And sure enough, it had.

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Not that men can’t be into fashion or clothing, but for people are so obsessed with not seeming gay (the worst thing in the world, apparently) they spend an awful lot of time… looking at other men’s clothes. I do notice particularly well-dressed men (and regard them with envy) but the vast majority of the time I don’t notice when someone is wearing a pink shirt or has a bracelet on, but these guys are laser-locked onto these trivial details.

The guy I’m talking about has a gay son that doesn’t talk to him, even though he is “totally okay with the gays.” I’m not going to make assertions and assumptions, but something about that is really poignant.


Counter point:

This is a thing.

And if you’ve ever swung by the online conservative bubble. Especially the alt right end of it. A good half the discussion at any given time devolves into discussion of HUGE COCK, who has em, and which race of them is invading our women and ruining them forever.

This shit runs deep in Trump territory.


Correlation is not causation… but it is correlation. Perhaps the causes of fragmasc are the same as the causes of Turmpism. Perhaps Turmpism causes or exacerbates fragmasc. Perhaps it’s the other way round. I suspect all those are true to some extent, and any of them is reason enough to consider the two problems jointly.

I also don’t think this is a frivolous issue at all. A large segment of America is desperately fucked up about masculinity, with deadly serious consequences. Like, yeah, it’s funny that a whole demographic is mortally afraid of penises, and thinks that having a bigger penis will get them a promotion, etc. It’s not funny that a whole demographic thinks it’s more important for a man to be good at violence than at supporting his children; that, provided certain forms are observed, violence is inherently good (“thank you for your service”); that if a man is sufficiently lacking in kindness and sensitivity, women will have to give him sex; and on and on.

I am not for sneering at schlubby, unattractive straight men. It’s ugly and unfair. But I would (and do) say to them, there are plenty of gay men who wish we could sleep with models, too, and the difference is that we don’t get to delude ourselves why that doesn’t happen, because we know exactly what would make us not interested in the man in the mirror (and also what doesn’t matter). So instead of pretending women are aliens conspiring against you, just fucking admit that you want love and then act accordingly. Jesus.


Of course, that goes back to racist nightmares of slaves raping white women with their big black cocks.

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Oh absolutely. The whole thing is rooted in some really old racist stereotypes of black men as bestial and sexually insatiable.

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Didn’t we all instinctively know this all along?

Meanwhile slave owners were busy raping enslaved black women, leading to the development of the one-drop rule.


“If you can’t call it a purse, don’t fucking carry one.”

~George Carlin

I guess they couldn’t pinpoint searches for intelligence enlargement.



Seriously. As a person with HIV related erectile disinfection and have been on Testrostone therapy for years to avoid waisting. F YOU.
For making ED a HAHAHAHAHA…thing.

No one would use any other medical condition as a HAHAHA thing for people searching and attempt to tie that metric to TRUMP who I despise. Well, no one I could trust.

Hey…do this again with Breast Cancer searches…You might find that people living or born in “Trump Rich” environments have a higher correlation for breast cancer, like the Southern US. Exposure to pesticides, lax EPA regulations. Etc…etc.

But hey…don’t let that stand in your way of f’n up actual science with bullshait.

It also has a undertone that people with ED are just ‘faking it’ and have macho problem instead of a medical problem.

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You sound…disappointed.


You’re mocking people with HIV and ED. Seriously. WTF is wrong with you?

Oh, this is just gorgeous!

Well, they did also mention hair loss though I’m not sure if that counts as a “medical condition” so much as a measure of Trump voters’ insecurities.

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I was going to post this instead but held back.

Have a blessed day! :slight_smile:

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why isn’t this a perfect loop

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