Correlates of Trump voting: searches for erectile dysfunction, hair loss, how to get girls, penis enlargement, penis size, steroids, testosterone and Viagra

My Mom had a Chow…(dog) and it had hair loss. And taking it to the vet the vet said it was basic ‘male pattern baldness’ and that chows get that. And recommended castration as a cure.
When she told Dad about that…he said “Don’t you go getting any ideas about me”.


That would be awesome. The closest I’ve seen is “Trump Regrets” on twitter. I’d love to see that pick up steam.

Read through some of this. Seems a majority of the “Trump regrets” relate to him not being sufficiently racist, radical 2A advocate or whatever alt.right nuttiness the tweeters have embraced. Way too few seem to regret due to the fact that he is a racist, sexist asshole, too many that he is insufficiently so.


Damn straight—I personally choose to think of hair loss as an indication that I have so much testosterone to spare that the excess is burning its way out through the top of my scalp.

I’m not sure what’s going on atop Trump’s noggin but I’m pretty sure he’s overcombensating for some dire insecurity.


Yeah, I saw some like that. Lot’s of disappointment in his working with the Saudi Regime, and one guy just worried about his 401K. I don’t think the collusion with Russia reality has hit them yet.

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Did you ever tell him to mind his own fucking business?

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Several times, but he’s the type of guy that will pull out some mall ninja knife or some shit like that over the simplest dispute. Simply not worth my time or energy.


This story is a case study in the ways that the patriarchy hurts everyone. There’s some chicken-or-the-egg to Trumpism and fragile masculinity, but it’s not hard to see that there are a lot of repressed, broken people whose turmoil is being politically harnessed. I didn’t really want to wade into the “what is fascism” thread because whoa that’s a big messy topic, but Wilhelm Reich’s writings on the topic continue to be some of the most helpful in terms of understanding the structural elements that nourish the fascist impulse. Spoiler alert: patriarchy and sexual repression are some strong contenders.


In the workplace?


Countdown to being caught in a park bathroom with a dude in 3…2…1…

Self questioning or hatred is so commonly a reason for these over the top anti-gay attitudes.

I mean, I’ve hung out with literal bull busting cowboys who all held an intervention as a group for their (also cowboy) buddy to let him know that they were totally cool if he came out to them (because very masculine/conservative environment otherwise). If guys who literally downplay getting stomped by 1500# of cattle meat are chill about guys who like guys, what sort of masculinity issues does this dude have.

(also, I’m super proud every time someone inevitably asks GirlChild “so, did Mommy do your nails, or did you have them done somewhere?”, and she responds “No, my Daddy did them!”. Because I am a multicoating, sparkle overlayering, detail brush painting nail polish god!


Seriously, what’s manlier than being a skilled craftsman?


Ahem, that’s artiste


Ah, those are the types where it is fun to say things like “Gary, I know you have a crush on me, but you really aren’t my type.” In front of others, just to watch them sputter. But this can also be dangerous, as it raises the risk of physical assault, yet I still do it.

Full disclosure: I am heterosexual and comfortable enough with it that I didn’t mind actual flirting from another guy, and worry more about me not knowing the border between flirting and being a creep when talking to women.


I approve of the attempt to establish facts on an empirical bases.There was an earlier post about whether the Chinese leadership was genuinely purging corruption, or just purging its enemies. I meant to say the same thing then but I left it too late.

It is possible to mislead with correlation statistics. You could search though 500 different trends searching for correlation with Trump voting, and only report the damming ones you find. “Scientists say Trump Voters buy 12% more garden gnomes!” would not be a shock. However, as far as the article goes, they did not do this. They came up with the hypothesis that Trump voting and searches for erectile dysfunction, hair-loss, and other indicators of fragile masculinity. They designed the experiment to test the hypothesis. They added controls using data from other candidates. They ran the experiment, and reported the results.

This does not establish cause and effect. Maybe voting Trump causes your penis to shrink and your hair to fall out. That would serve them right. They could equally argue that being in the presence of Trump voters makes other men feel inadequate. It may be other things, or no causal chain at all.

Note also the lack of phrases like “scientists have proven that…”. That’s also a good sign. Yay.

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I know it’s very difficult to have a medical condition that society imparts with a lot of baggage. Celiac disease has nothing to do with anti-vax, naturopathy, or other medical woo, but I have a family member who has to deal with people’s assumptions every time they avoid gluten. ED has nothing to do with masculinity, but because other people think it does a correlation appears between people who are concerned about their masculinity and people who are concerned about ED. But we should push back against that, not feed it.

One thing that struck me about the list is that we already know that Trump voters are older and more male than non-Trump voters. ED, hair loss, testosterone, and viagra are all things old men might become interested in regardless of how fragile their masculinity is. That’s a correlation right there.

That said, I think @bobtato’s analysis is dead on. Fragile and toxic masculinity is a real problem that fuels real violence, not a joke about guys who “can’t get it up”.


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Well, they do NOW! Voting Trump makes you impotent.

Spread the word!

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