Cory Booker announces he's running for President

Yeah, Nazi Barbie has been circulating this inane talking point, too.

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I thought for a second that it was about Charlie Brooker.
“Hang on - isn’t he English?”
Doesn’t matter. He’d still get my vote.


“Fox Nation Host. Faith. Family. Freedom. Final Thoughts.”


#1 industry in the state, by revenue. As you point out, any decent senator/representative is going to fight for their local economies. It doesn’t have to be corporate money, it can just be serving his constituency. It’s his job to do so.


“Final Thoughts…and Solutions”


WIKI shows that Cory was born in Washington DC.


Sadly, it will be about branding and image and ‘who I’d like to have a beer with’ bullshit. Witness E. Warren’s beer drinking in her kitchen. That was the most inauthentic, most contrived beer I’ve ever seen.


This. And yet I like him anyway. Realistically, anyone who looks at the world and says “I should be in charge of America” is going to have ego issues. But I would like someone who believes in sharing the wealth rather than protecting and concentrating the wealth. Booker is mostly that guy? Partially that guy?


He’s not terrible, for someone who could get elected. Same with Warren, though I don’t think she’s really populist enough to be the best contender in the general. I wouldn’t have a problem voting for either of them if it came to it.

Nominating Harris (supported increased extrajudicial asset forfeiture as AG), Gillibrand (Voted multiple times for patriot act and FISA extensions), or Biden (all of the above, plus just as much of a warmonger as Clinton) would be a giant fuck you to everyone who’s not a 100% party line Dem.


Booooo! Get out of the damn way Cory. Women “on the left” pulled off the upset in the House this last cycle. You ain’t either. Get the fuck out of the way.

Also Sorry @anon62122146. That was supposed to be a general comment.

The headline should read something like,

Cory Booker fills out tax forms so he can raise money to run for President next year


The problem isn’t choosing a promising candidate, it’s about a country where the majority of voters are willfully ignorant, unsophisticated and uncultured. That’s not going to change any time soon.

And if the ball comes on my lawn one more time. I’m calling the cops.


From 2013.


I can’t WAIT to hear him explain this:

Cory Booker Joins Senate Republicans to Kill Measure to Import Cheaper Medicine From Canada


I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen. Democrats have been much better with the primary mechanisms than the GOP.

(One of the big reasons why Trump won the candidacy in 2016 was the shift to “winner takes all” primaries, meant to usher in the establishment candidate and avoid the dragged-out 2012 primary. Well, the establishment candidates split the “reasonable Republican” vote, while Trump eked out some critical early wins with pathetic thirty-percent pluralities, letting him build up delegates and establish himself as a “serious” contender. And of course the non-Trump candidates hanged on in the contest, continuing to split the vote, as they waited for Trump to flame out, which never happened.)

Amen! There are no perfect candidates. The sooner the Democrats and the left internalize and accept this, and stop chasing the unicorn, the better.

I will 100% guarantee that if AOC stays in politics, by 2025 she will have said or done or voted something that the leftists won’t be happy with. The only way to avoid that would be to avoid all compromise, which also means achieving nothing, and I think she’s way too intelligent to let herself be purity-trapped like that.


AOC’s been subject to vigorous leftist critique on her foreign policy from almost the day she was elected. Particularly in relation to Israel and Venezuela.

It isn’t about perfection, it’s about holding politicians to account.


Already starting the pie fight and she’s only been in Congress a month? Was it that much fun last time?

A worthwhile candidate can take the heat. The left has been yelling at Bernie re: foreign policy for years.

If you want your politicians to represent your views, y’gotta let ‘em know what those views are.