Crossbow killer exposed by car telematics

“Corrigan, 74, went outside his house at midnight to check his satellite dish after the TV signal failed. It was a trap”
other articles also mention that prosecutors presented evidence the dish was tampered with

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The guy had the bad luck to be born about 500 years too late. He just wanted to kill some dudes with crossbows, but the military doesn’t use crossbows anymore and hardly ever get involved in petty border skirmishes. Plus there’s all of this surveillance and forensics that make it hard to get away with crossbow murder.


I did read the article and did see that. Doesn’t say anything about whether he knew the man he shot.


ah i see sorry my mistake

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With a crossbow?

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And pay some trusted henchman to take my phone 300 km in the other direction whilst I commit the murder.


Came to post that, not disappointed!


First thing I did after removing the dealer plate frames was disconnect the satellite antenna on my modern car.

I’m probably on at least two lists already.


Technically my jaws are a crossbow…

Ummm… are ya sure?
My assumption would be that the manufacturer already has their cars on a limited mobile plan so they can download the data for internal use and to sell it. Surely the wireless carriers could offer a limited data option just for downloading stats during off peak hours, and the car manufacturers could sell the data for more than the cost of the limited subscriptions.

I know this might seem a bit callous .,. but I have trouble with loose ends. Did the satellite dish get fixed?


And use a weapon other than the unusual type that I am known to collect.


I was just wondering that… If I disabled the telemetry link in my car, how long would it be before I got an innocent looking maintenance reminder, or maybe even an ominous potential recall notice, in the mail? Or, if I took it to the dealer for regular maintenance, would they find it, would they ask me about it, or maybe even fix it without telling me?


Just be considerate of those around you later, okay?


Admittedly low hanging fruit, but still satisfying.

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Nothing says “the future is here; it just isn’t evenly distributed” quite like having your escapade with a ~2.5-millenium old weapon scuttled by pervasive networked telemetry so cheap that it gets included more on grounds of “why not?” than of “why?”.

Next you’ll tell me that I need to stay up to date on NSO satellite overflight trajectories just to atlatl a dude to death in peace; and my grandchildren will probably laugh at me because everybody knows that hiding under overpasses and bridges is pointless when the hypersentient computronium nanites they are made of will notice your musket on the terahertz band even before you’ve drawn it to give fire…


The Guardian’s article was similarly at a loss for the motive of the killing, and glossed over the “car telematics” aspect…

…but did mention that the convicted man also had a “homemade” garrotte in his car, had bought piano wire online, and had googled "central nervous system neck injury”. Was that his plan B? Or was he planning on killing someone else?


Or hack your car, as we keep getting told how easy it is to do.


Also, maybe choose method of dispatch a bit more subtle and less prone to failure than a crossbow.