Da Musicz

For anyone who doesn’t know the original:


Thanks for linking it! It was a excellent interview with Rick Beato.

I knew about Miles and Stewart being brothers and I knew that their pop was a spook, but I didn’t know there was a third brother who was involved in the music business.

Likewise. I worked at an ag lab outside of Fresno in the summers of 1986 and 1987, and we played the hell out of Document and Life’s Rich Pageant. Drove our boss slight batty.


CBS recently interviewed the whole band. You might be interested in that interview, too. After I came across it, I was wondering why they were suddenly popping up giving interviews. It turns out they were just inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. And, in spite of what Mills said in that interview with Beato, they surprised everyone at the induction ceremony with a live performance of Losing My Religion. All four of them performing together for the first time since their Rock and Roll HOF induction.




I had no idea this is why she stopped singing, but what a way to turn lemons into lemonade:



Ponce de LEON babeeeeee…

This is from a few years ago… the Clermont hotel is a boutique hotel now… the Clermont lounge is just like it’s always been, tho. Long live Blondie… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

[ETA] Posted in this thread due to its discussion on Dirty south hip hop…

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[ETA] (live stage show with some flashy-flashes)…

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New Fatboy Slim! I’m not wild about the extensive use of Deep Fakery here, but it’s super low quality and super obvious, so it’s not super egregious, plus it fits the theme of the song.


I wonder if he used each for a small enough amount of time for that all to be considered fair use. Doesn’t matter I suppose for people who are gone. :thinking:


Well, fair use is complicated. First of all, it’s a defense to a claim of copyright infringement, so there’s no way to preemptively get “fair use” on anything. It’s just a defense to use if someone actually sues you. Then, it’s not a clear, black and white analysis. There are four factors, and you have to analyze them on a case by case basis. Here, the length of the clips are probably not very important, because some of those were deep fakes made from still photographs. So they technically used the entire work. The big factor working against Fatboy Slim, though, is that his work is for profit. On the other hand, it’s unlikely that this video affects the market for the original works at all, so that’s in his favor. Anyway, my point is these are just some of the factors that go into determining fair use.

There are also laws concerning the use of people’s names, images, and likenesses. Those are state laws and can vary quite a bit. That’s potentially a bigger issue in something like this.

Hopefully, he got clearance to use all the source images and videos. If so, this is all a moot discussion. My concern was more about the increasing use of AI in creative works like this. I just don’t really like it.


Agreed. It’s fake enough to be clearly fake, but it also hints disturbingly at a near future when we won’t be able to tell. Often already, we can’t. :grimacing:


Yeah I’ve actually been wondering what impact AI is going to have at some point on the rules of evidence. Video and audio are technically a form of hearsay, but they’re admissible now under an exception because of their reliability and trustworthiness. But as soon as AI video and audio become indistinguishable from the real thing, we have a problem with admitting video and audio evidence at trial.

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New old Margo Guryan, including her early jazz.

I’m a big fan. I actually first heard her music from a Bobby Gentry/Glen Campbell duet album and her Sunday Morning really jumped out at me. I was delighted to later here her version.

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Soul Coughing is reuniting for a tour.

Part of me is ready to spend far more than I should to see this. The other part of me recognizes the cynical cash-grab nature of these kinds of tours and doesn’t love it.

Soul Coughing is one of my absolute favorite bands, and songs from all three of their albums still get play in my Apple Music playlists, etc. I love their music so much I have intentionally skipped reading about all the bitterness that came out of their time together, though I know it exists.

I don’t really care for any of Doughty’s solo work. What might be the worst thing I’ve ever said on this forum was related to it. What he did in Soul Coughing gives me enough momentum to ignore it completely. The other band members went on to do some cool things (Sebastian Steinberg worked with Fiona Apple, etc), and that’s awesome. IMO, none of them have ever touched the innovative highs of their time together.

Soul Coughing’s intense burst of creativity in the mid-to-late 90’s impacted me profoundly. I can’t even with this.

ETA: the proper Sebastian.