David Icke banned from Facebook

It keeps such fools out of the possibility of mainstream acceptance. The biggest problem with things like Holocaust Denial or Anti-Vaxx isn’t the beliefs themselves. Its that there are some powerful people with mainstream media access who are willing to spout it.


QAnon facilitated the removal of David Icke as part of a plan to stop the human turtle hybrids being led by Mitch McConnell from taking over the Presidency from Trump.


Except the entire strategy is not getting into the mainstream, it’s getting your talking points into the mainstream via more mainstream actors. This has been the white supremacist strategy since the 80s, when it become clear they lost the “polite” conversation.

And you might have missed this, but it worked. Look at the white house.


The biggest problem isn’t the problem it’s that people talk about the problem therefore worsening the problem but it’s the talking about it that’s the worst bit?


Lizards and turtles living together?
Ahh, we only just avoided the Terrorarium!!


Yeah, a friend of mine who has met him and did sound for a bunch of gigs claims that too. He would be pretty attuned to antisemitism and is the only person I know who has an informed opinion on the subject.


I’m still not buying it… Sorry. :woman_shrugging: Dude has actively promoted the Protocols, so…


Okay. Haven’t seen that.
Fuck.nasty shit. Not just insane then.


I mean, I don’t know your friend and am not calling him a liar or anything (or Ronson)… just that this kind of ideology can come from strange corners at times. It can be very hard for any of us to see the truth. This is why it’s so dangerous.


Actual Lizard People, Dave?”
“Not an analogy, actual Lizard People, in power? Across the world?”
“Yes, I’ve seen them.”
“Wow. So, moving on, any opinions on religion?”
“Fuck the Jews.”

A man can be an asshole for many reasons.
Icke is one of those men. Dangerous and deluded and revelling in his limelight but I really don’t think he quite understands that he is that massive an asshole, unlike so many other “out” Far Right folks. I think his little conspiracy bubble is all he notices. The fact that anti-semites buy his books and attend his shows is secondary; they bought his book.

See also: current Presidents


No, fair call. My friends Jewish heritage is important to him and I think Robson may be too. But anti-semitism is such a pervasive and crazy and slippery shitstorm that you can get surprised with it from anywhere. It’s the original pattern for crazy racist shit. Sartre on arguing with an anti semite is so appropriate for these times.


I subscribe to the “he who smelt it, dealt it” rule regarding reptilians.

If reptilians are real, then David Icke is clearly one of them.


Yeah… and I think that people don’t want to believe this nutter talking about reptilians can possibly pose a threat. But I think that brexit and Trump has shown us that this strategy they’ve (meaning white supremacists) have been pursuing is bearing fruit. It’s easy to dismiss these kind of fringe elements, even if one is part of a target group (or maybe sometimes doubly so), because we just don’t want to believe it. But we have to take this stuff seriously now, I think.

It’s depressing and I do hope your friend and Ronson is correct, but I’m afraid they are not.


Can’t agree.

But why would that be bad if those ideas aren’t the biggest problem? They’d only be spouting something that isn’t “the biggest problem”.

For sure a popular public forum for these ideas is bad, but only because the ideas are so bloody bad. So in that way, it’s circular, but it always comes back to the Belief Itself Being Bad.

And so the “biggest problem” (IMHO) is when people (everyday, regular people) act on those beliefs. Which they do, every day, in a hundred ways to varying degrees.


I think we have definitively proven at this point that there is no theory so ridiculous, no ideology so odious, no position so unfounded in logic or factual basis, that there aren’t idiots out there who will take them to heart, if not act on them.

If we can agree on that premise, we need to push the media to stop putting them on the air for entertainment purposes, and we need to call the media out when they do it. Let them self publish, or try to distribute their nonsense videos themselves. There is no reason for any mainstream or legitimate news agency to help them spread misinformation.

The whole argument about censorship is a red herring. They can clearly say what they want, but we don’t have to give them a platform to do it.


Fair enough


I thought I was making that point, but clearly didn’t do it well or articulate it effectively. That is all on me.

Yes, I agree.


He can go rot in a ditch for all i care but, much like the fox news loving relatives in the states, it is upsetting to see close relatives taken over by the facebook mindworms and start quoting him directly.


FB has drawn the line at allowing anything that could really get them sued. :smiling_imp:


I admit to hearing a bit of his pulp related to his vast misunderstanding of the Covid-19. David Icke has shed any shred of entertainment worth in anything he had said hitherto and will ever say henceforth.