Democratic lawmaker says women invite sexual harassment with the way they dress

‘Cover up those table legs, mother, they’re inflaming my sexual ardour’.



Fantastic movie. Some day i will get around to reading the book.

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Karl Marx had a term for people like her; “lumpenproletariat”.
Women who are blind to injustice against women are the greatest enemy of social progress among women.

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“Couvrez ce sein que je ne saurais voir.”

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Am I the only one who can hear this GIF?

(If already discussed, please ignore, I’ve been offline for a while.)

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There are no proletarians in the US Congress, lumpen or otherwise. Nothing but bourgeoisie.


Yeah, they brainwashed her good.

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Her brain is prole, her bank account is bourgeoisie.

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Marcy Kaptur and her sexy silk stockings.

What’s that? That was Mitzi Kapture?

And it was Silk Stalkings?

Damn, this is confusing.

So strange how people use this when they know what they’re about to say is bone-headed.

EDIT: Removing that hashtag. Unfair association.


My Gram always said that if you have to preface a statement with a ‘disclaimer,’ then inside yourself, you already know that you’re on the wrong side of the argument.


You know its funny but I have tried dressing provocatively to attract female attention and obviously wasnt doing it right cos I didnt get any. I have occassionally had some male attention. So I suspect it isnt really about clothes. You need some other factor like someone asshole like enough to want to press an unwelcome attention.


Put some cream on that ardor. It’ll clear it right up.

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Then you’re mostly alone on BB in my observation. There’s some drawn out threads of people being crucified for suggesting as much.

I think its justified that people are taking offense to the statement, perhaps some are taking it too far in their reaction but i don’t think it’s entirely out of line. I would presume everyone here understands and would expect a business dresscode for politicians, but going as far as to say that it’s completely shocking that a woman looks a certain way and that its somehow an invitation for something… or that it’s saying something about that woman because she chooses to look a certain way. That’s body shaming, slut shaming and victim blaming.

I work in an office setting and there’s women that stay within the dresscode that look really good and are very attractive. I don’t act “shocked” about it, or ask them to dress even more conservative. Mind you i’m not putting you, or anyone down in this thread. I get both sides, i prefer a workplace where the dress code is professional or conservative, but i will decry any attempts to blame women for sexual harassment based on their looks.




I think it is a matter of letting yourself get stupid and not thinking these things through. I’m of the same generation and try not to be dumb. Deride the boomers all you want then go look at what started happening to western society in the 1960s and ask yourself if this woman’s attitudes reflect the attitudes of youth of her era.


Are man-boobs and man-cleavage still okay?