Democratic lawmaker says women invite sexual harassment with the way they dress

There is a long way between dressing attractively and things getting out of hand. Please let’s not forget the basis of human behavior. We are still driven by our prehistoric instincts, and civilization is based on not acting on every single one.
Unfortunately, not everyone is evolved enough to be civilized. :slight_smile:

Surely a script can be written so that this gif is autoposted appropriately.


The desired future is a workplace where people genuinely respect each other and are more productive, individually and collectively, because of it.


Except that many are haute bourgeois.


The internalized misogyny is strong with this one. Not uncommon in the generation this woman is from, but always pretty damned sad to find.


And the Dems still wonder why the hell they can’t get young-ish people to get off their asses and vote. Lady, you need to either retire or move your ass over to the Handmaid’s Tale party on the right, because you are not helping.

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Then, are there sorts of sexual signaling which are appropriate in the workplace, or are there not??

I mean if you’re going to tell me to change my excel spreadsheet to include more cornflower blue that’s like a clear signal, right?


Personally, I don’t feel the workplace is an appropriate forum for our mammalian impulses for sexual display.

In my line of work where welding spatter and spark fleas abound, it’s a terrible idea. Which is why no woman does it. And yet they’re still harassed because boys, some of them in their fifties, refuse to be men.


Wow. How dehumanizing. We’re people not god damn pieces of property.


If you’re cruising for sex at work, then, yes, that’s wrong.


Please see the Angela Lansbury thread (among others). All the stale arguments in defense of remarks like those from the Hon. woman from Ohio were thoroughly rebutted.

These threads about sexual harassment are exhausting. And I can’t even imagine what it’s like to read these with a woman’s eyes. I don’t know how they do it. I don’t how they endure it-- it being these comments and the real world that lies behind them. Thank god for our species they somehow do.

As for me, this is how I’m coping:

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This is like, “if you don’t have a gun, you’re just inviting someone to shoot you”.


Works for the NRA… and I posted the head desk thing already.


The lumpenproletariat are the underclass. Think of people surviving on welfare, not politicians.


And of course there’s the other issue that we don’t always know what someone’s going to find “provocative.” Years ago, I had this outfit - wide-legged velvet palazzo pants and a velveteen vest that buttoned high enough that I could wear it as a shirt. It was the 90’s, shut up. ANYway … I quickly learned not to wear this outfit out unless I wanted a LOT of male attention. There wasn’t really any cleavage (I was very small-busted at the time), and everything else was covered but my arms. But apparently it was the single most “provocative” outfit I owned. And I owned thigh-high stockings with the word “slut” all over them.


Also very 90s. :smiley:

But yeah, it’s not us or the way we dress, it’s how some men act. Period. I don’t know why some people are having such a hard time wrapping their heads around this concept…


Ironically, I was never hit on once while wearing those stockings.


There’s an Ask A Manager letter from a few months ago, where a woman wrote in because her boss was throwing a fit over her maternity wardrobe. She linked a photo of a perfectly conservative maternity dress that the boss didn’t like because he said the side ruching and empire waistline were “unprofessional” and “inappropriate”, and that she needed to dress according to his standards. He then demanded that she tuck in her shirts and wear a belt. Over her pregnant belly.

She wrote in with an update, yesterday. She went to HR, which shut her boss up but he wasn’t happy about it. Then, while she was on maternity leave, she found out the boss was fired for telling an intern he’d get her a job in exchange for sexual favors.

If you think the problem here is women “sexually signaling”, you are vastly mistaken. The problem is men deciding that women need to appeal to them, regardless of whether or not we give a shit.