DeSantis quits presidential race and starts sucking up to Trump

I don’t see anyone that you’re talking with being “fatalistic”… they just have a different idea about tactics to use.


I tend to think of the situation as “let’s focus on the fights where we might be able to bring positive change instead of getting caught up in someone else’s lost cause.”

Even if I could influence who wins the GOP primary, that’s not my fight. It’s the Republicans’ fight. I don’t want any of those people to win anyway.



(Others may join their suggestions at the front. It’s a good - but depressing - game!)

I guess we just have different ideas of what constitutes ‘positive change’. To me, not having Trump on the November ballot at all seems a net ‘positive change’ in the prospects for the survival of our democracy. from every reasonable perspective.

It would absolutely be a net positive change if Republicans rejected Trump and his ideology in lieu of another candidate.

But that is not something I have any influence over. It’s barely something that rich GOP donors have any influence over. So I’m going to direct my own energy elsewhere.


But… you can become a Republican voter by registering as one for the primary, and then direct your energy towards influencing what you yourself concede is a ‘net positive change’. That’s all that I’m suggesting here.

I mean, for me, it’s not like I was a registered Democrat before, anyway. I was unaffiliated.

Is Desantis done as far as presidential aspirations go? Has he done so badly that he can’t possibly get any support if he tries again, or will he keep turning up like a bad penny?


Although the actor deliberately shows us the mask slipping - DeSantis, like someone particularly wasted, just seems unable to maintain it, even briefly.

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With a little luck, DeSantis is done as far as all his political aspirations go.


Then he go like this

DeSantis speaking about Republicans and Trump one day before the Iowa caucus:

Less than one week after Iowa, “Where’s my chapstick?”


He’ll probably throw his hat in the ring again in four years, but I can’t see him doing any better unless medical science figures out how to do a successful personality transplant.


Nerd is a neutral descriptor for a type of person. I’m not putting down nerds, I’m putting down DeSantis, and I’m putting him down not because he is a nerd, but because he is a nerd who tried to present himself as a jock. If there is anything inherently critical in pointing out that he’s a nerd it is that the nerdliness is of the legal-bureacratic type that sometimes occurs when a nerd is severed by circumstance or shame from their life’s true interests.


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